The MEK and the Iranian People

Mujahedin Supporters Envision”Tit for Tat”Campaign Against Iran

Tanter reasoned that attacks carried out by MEK against government officials and military installations are not terrorist acts. “I do not grant that the MEK committed terrorist attacks before 2001,” he said, “I do grant that there were military activities targeting military installations.”But when asked if his logic meant that a 2009 attack at a Fort Hood, Texas, military base that killed fifteen U.S. servicemembers was terrorism, he avoided the question…The panel was asked if sanctions could be an effective strategy..

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Mark Dankof: U.S. support for MEK and PKK against Algiers Accord

… go back to January 1981 the so-called Algiers Accord when the US committed itself to never intervening or interfering again in the internal affairs of Iran. Obviously when you look at what’s happened in the last 30 years we (US) have trampled all over the Algiers Accord and our support for PJAK; our support for the Mujahidin-e Khalq; and our support for Jundallah is clearly evidence of the fact that we are perpetually intervening in Iran’s business engaging in acts of terror and cross border incursions that are absolutely illegal and reprehensible. It’s a simple contra indication of everything the American government claims to stand for …

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War With Iran? US Neocons Aim to Repeat Chalabi-Style Swindle

Pressure to remove the MEK from the State Department’s Foreign Terrorist Organizations list is a cynical ploy by the neocons that can have only negative consequences for both the United States and Iran. It would allow an Islamic radical terrorist group to operate freely in the United States..Instead of legitimizing the MEK aka MKO/PMOI, we call on the law-enforcement agencies to investigate the illegal activities of this group, their funding and their allies. After all, they are still on the US State Department terrorist list..

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US State Department: No popular support for MKO among Iranians

… A U.S. State Department document released in May 2011 under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act says the MEK has no popular support inside Iran and “to the extent Iranians know about this group they are far more likely to oppose it than support it.” It added, “Any U.S. support for MEK would extremely damage its reputation amongst Iranians and would increase anti-American sentiments in Iran.” The State Department cables quoted defectors as describing MEK as a cult that punishes former members. The cables said the MEK leadership ordered the execution of all attempted defectors …

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AIPAC from the Inside

With the election of George W. Bush, the events of 9/11, and the invasion of Iraq, Iran became front and center for Weissman at AIPAC.”Iran came back in a big way after the invasion of Iraq, because you had all these guys running around saying, ‘Next stop Tehran!’ and all that,”says Weissman. Many within AIPAC, and some of Israel’s top Iran-watchers, wanted to push hard for Iraq-style regime change in Iran, too, beginning with overt and covert support for dissidents, minority groups, and exile militia such as the Mojahedin-e Khalgh (MKO)… This is what makes it so stupid! The American Jewish community choosing the next government of Iran?

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MKO More Dangerous than Al-Qaida

Once again, the terrorist group of Rajavi means to hold an event in Paris, in the anniversary of the day they declared armed struggle… When MKO declared armed struggle on June 20th, 1981, the war between Iran and Iraq was in its bad days..Now, by launching a new funny show in France abusing the bloods of those killed in Ashraf Iraq on April 8th, 2011, Maryam Rajavi and his husband want to hold an event supported by some retired MPs…European states and security organizations should seriously watch their nations so that their youth don’t get in the trap of these dangerous groups.

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Support for MKO, a classic example of US unsustainable policy in ME

… A classic example of this is when you look at the American and Israeli support of the Mujahedin-e-Khalq, which was killing Americans in Iran back in the 1970’s during the Pahlavi era. But it has certainly become convenient for the United States and Israel to have an alliance with this so-called Marxist terrorist organization as long as these people are doing their bidding in Iran ..It is also noteworthy that the Saudi Arabian regime has been helping to bankroll this Mujahedin-e-Khalq or MEK …

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The West has its own good and bad terrorists

The group periodically conducts terrorist acts against the Islamic Republic. As a matter of fact, it is the USA and the EU that use the group for their political purposes to destabilize Iran. The West hopes that the group will become a tool to tame Iran. As for Mujaheddins[MKO/MEK/PMOI], they have been cooperating with the West actively for over 20 years already. They used to have their one and only strongman – Saddam Hussein, Iran’s sworn enemy. He could use them in his own interests whenever he wanted to.

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Iraqi MP: US Supporting MKO to Impose Pressure on Iran

The Iraqi lawmaker said that Baghdad is trying to find diplomatic ways to expel the group, and added,”If the US stops interfering in the expulsion process, the Iraqi government knows several peaceful ways to expel the group.”…A member of the Iraqi parliament on Wednesday blasted Washington’s political games in the region, including its support for the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) as a pressure lever against Iran.

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When Democracy Turns into hypocrisy

For those US policy makers who make efforts to invest on MKO as a tool against Islamic Republic, the group seems to be a potential means to advance US policy regarding Iran.”To think of the MEK as some kind of policy tool to use against Tehran is both foolish and bizarre,”Paul Pillar writes. He reminds them that MKO has”virtually no support within Iran”. [3]But US warmongers seem to be very choosy about their allies..Indeed, whether or not MKO has left violence or poses any threat to the West, it is a harmful policy to harbor a destructive cult that always poses a potential threat to Iran-US relations. ..

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