The MEK and the Iranian People

Israel using Mojahedin Khalq to push pre-emptive war against Iran agenda

… In this 2007 essay, I warned of the False Flag Incident of the Century. I sound that warning again in early 2011. Israel’s machinations for preemptive war with Iran have reached new heights and depths with their employment of the Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MEK) to undertake a series of terrorist actions in that country, which includes the internationally publicized cases of the assassinations of Iranian scientists and other acts of violence in Tehran, and Azerbaijan/Diyala/and Balochistan Provinces. ..

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Mujahedin Khalq ; New Chalabi for the West

..Some of those ways will be more feckless attempts to manipulate Iran’s internal politics—as with the Obama Administration’s exhortations for domestic unrest in Iran. We were appalled to learn recently that the Administration is considering lifting the MEK’s[MKO/PMOI] designation as a foreign terrorist organization…From an Iranian perspective, this is simply one more indicator of America’s unique combination of perfidy and incompetence in Afghanistan..

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Iranian Prof: U.S. Support For MEK Would Anger Ordinary Iranians

..”The Mujahedin have absolutely no backing in Iran,”Sadri told TPM. He said he’d first become aware of the MEK 40 years ago, when he occasionally listened to the group’s clandestine radio shows, broadcast before the fall of the Shah. He described the MEK in its early days as a”vanguard organization.”Sadri, who moved from Iran to the U.S. in the mid-1970s to attend a Ph.D program at The New School, said”never heard a positive word uttered”about the MEK..

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Mujahedin Khalq Partners Must Watch Out!

.. No diplomatic or intelligence force should be engaging with the MKO terrorists. What the MKO says they stand for now is irrelevant. What the MKO has done to the Iranian people is unforgivable and—puppet or no puppet—they simply have no place in the equation..The MKO leaders are professional charlatans and they know how to raise money by using “human rights” poster children in order to gain sympathy .They are disgustingly slick. And now they have partners—Israel’s Mossad intelligence, the United State’s CIA, and Britain’s MI6.

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Beeman– Mojaheddin-e Khalq Can Never Rule Iran

..they stayed in Iraq under Saddam’s protection during the Iran-Iraq war caused widespread expressions of hate for them in Iranthey are completely guilty of terrorist operations in the pre-Revolutionary days, and they continue to take credit for bombings and civil unrest in Iran… the most important fact that Bolton, Ros-Lehtinin and others fail to comprehend is that the MEK could never, never in a million years form an alternative government in Iran. The Iranian people mistrust them at best, and most thoroughly despise them and think them to be traitors.

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Dr. Abolhassan Banisadr opposes MKO and American warmongers

..Well, regarding Mr. Rajavi, it is a 180 degree change. MKO started its activities by assassination of Americans in Iran. Now the organization is doing something that’s never been recorded in our history. They pay western politicians to travel and to participate in their gatherings to gain their support…Those who were in Bush administration are not simple. They are a bunch of warmongers who moved ahead the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan ..

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MEK Part of Fantasies, Falsehoods, and Fear-Mongering campaign

In November 2005, Mohammad Mohaddessin, chair of the so-called National Council of Resistance of Iran (otherwise known as the Islamist/Marxist terrorist cult Mojahadeen-e Khalq, or MEK, which is currently designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the U.S. government) addressed a European Parliament conference and proclaimed that the”Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei is determined to pursue and complete Tehran’s nuclear weapons program full blast…[and] would have the bomb in two or three years time.”

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MKO terrorists clearly connected to CIA and MOSSAD

… The Mojahedin Khalq or MKO, which is a terrorist organization despite the attempts of many in the American government and in the European Union to say it is not, has been doing a series of things in your country in conjunction with this Jundollah group, which is absolutely reprehensible and frankly, as Mr. Giraldi, Mr. McGovern and Mr. Paul Craig Roberts have been covering these things. It becomes clear that there is an American and Israeli intelligence connection to the MKO ..

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U.S. Politicians Provide Material Support for Terrorism – So Where’s the FBI?

Joining Giuliani were several top Bush administration officials, including former Homeland Security chief Tom Ridge and Attorney General Michael Mukasey, all of whom decried the fact that Mujahhideen-e Khalq [MKO/MEK/PMOI] is listed as a terrorist organization, when all its really want to do is commit acts of terrorism against Persians.But while the support these top GOP officials offered a bunch of well-financed terrorists was widely reported..

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Did Giuliani And Co. Provide ‘Material Support’ To Mujahedin Terrorist Group?

The group’s hatred of the Islamic Republic led it to ally with Saddam Hussein, and it fought on the Iraqi side of the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s. Following the Gulf War, the group reportedly assisted in the Iraqi Republican Guard’s bloody crackdown on Iraqi Shia and Kurds who rose up against Saddam regime; press reports cite MEK aka MKO/PMOI leader Maryam Rajavi encouraging MEK members to ‘take the Kurds under your tanks,’ according to the State Department. MKO alliance with Saddam made it widely despised among the Iranian community at large..

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