The MEK and the Iranian People

Joe Lieberman , MEK Murder in Iran , and the Mythology of a Righteous Almighty America

..Nowhere is this unfolding disaster more tragically apparent than in Iran , where the December 20th Newsweek cover story all but concedes the American and Israeli intelligence community’s link to the recent assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists in Tehran , and the concurrent bombings in Diyala and Chabahar provinces in that country.These recent premeditated murders, along with atrocities past in Iranian Azerbaijan , Khuzestan , and Balochistan, are all chiefly the on-site work of the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK/MKO/PMOI) , with occasional assists from the Kurdish PKK and Jundallah organizations…

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US politicians and the CIA openly support MKO and Jundallah terrorists

There are approximately 3 thousand MKO terrorists in Iraq being protected by the American military. Many American soldiers have died escorting these terrorists on shopping trips inside Iraq. I dare the American government to tell the parents and loved ones of these soldiers who were killed that they died escorting communist terrorists who are on the State Department’s list of terrorism on shopping expeditions.In 2003, American forces attacked a camp in Iraq and killed some of those terrorists, and ever since then we have been protecting them and using them inside Iran to do terrorists activities.

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MKO’s Response to Tariq Aziz’s Death Sentence out of Character

The accounts of MKO activities are agreeably and accurately documented by the governments of France, the United States, and Iran. All have the same opinion that the noteworthy initial visit with the MKO’s Masoud Rajavi and Tariq Aziz signifies a precise turning point in the history of MKO endeavors. That meeting was the start of a long-term strategy in which Rajavi lassoed power and led the group into a bizarre existence as he became an autocratic ideological leader with a cult of personality.

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US Government’s Secret Plans for Iran

They are mortal enemies of the Iran Government. In their videos they praise their impact force. Thousands of fighters for a new Iran. But for the US State Department, and also for the European Union, they are considered as terrorists, on the same stage with Al-Qaeda. Is MEK today the secret ally of the US? Ex CIA agent McGovern has no doubt.

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MKO and Western Support—what’s the Motive?

Despite international sanctions, Iran began fueling its nuclear power plant in Bushehr, a small city on the southwest coast. The sanctions were imposed to prevent Iran from moving forward with its nuclear program, and as this was going on, a slew of propaganda began to emerge in their wake. The MKO (aka MEK, PMOI, NCRI) began a massive letter writing campaign, and also got involved in publishing articles on their website claiming that Iran had nuclear weapons. The MKO nourished the anti-Iran media…

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Israeli Lobby,American Neocons and Terrorist MKO Join forces to lobby USG to bomb Iran

… lobbyists, and propagandists have spent nearly two decades pushing the lie that Iran poses a nuclear weapons threat to the United States and Israel. After a brief respite in the intensity of the wolf cries over the past two years, the neoconservative movement has decided to relaunch the “Must Bomb Iran” brand… John Bolton implicitly urged Israel to attack Iran’s new light-water reactor at Bushehr before it began “functioning,” the implication being that the reactor represented some sort of dire threat…

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Israel’s Secret Relationship with MKO

MKO’s secret ties with Israel do not begin or end with Iranian nuclear documents. They also unabashedly attend AIPAC functions. In fact, the MKO has intensive and very direct cooperation with the Iran Policy Committee, a spinoff of AIPAC..In hope that Maryam Rajavi, the leader of the MKO, will become the puppet of the United States—a shoe in the door in Iran, the NCRI’s website maintains a canopy of praise for the U.S. for anything which is against Iran and the Iranian people…

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Tom Tancredo’s Marriage to the Mojahedin Khalq

… Tancredo advocates U.S. support for the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), a cult-like group that is cultivating a broad base of support among Iranian expatriates around the world. Mujahedin e-Khalq means ‘people’s freedom fighters.’ MEK affiliates are the Iraq-based National Liberation Army of Iran and the National Council of Resistance in Iran ..Tom Tancredo is a tool of the Israeli Lobby, a neo-conservative, and a warmonger for the Zionist State on the subject of launching a preemptive war against Iran.

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Who is responsible for the continued suffering of the MEK victims’ families ?

… This is of course the heritage of Saddam Hussein for the Iraqi people, created by the Europeans. And American Forces, according to the RAND report, protected their base and kept it exactly as the MKO leaders desired. If the Americans are worried about their human rights why don’t they take them to their own country? The truth is that the Americans are not prepared to issue even one single visa for MKO members to enter their country while they force the Iraqis to …

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