The MEK and the Iranian People

US charged with Iran terror support

.. they have been giving protection to a lot of these terrorists who have been known to commit crimes against women and children. They[MKO/MEK/PMOI] have been terrorizing and planting bombs and the US is clearly taking an interest in training and giving protection for these terrorists. That act is unacceptable especially for the Obama administration who wanted to fight terrorism, who wanted to fight evil. This is an act of evil sponsored by the CIA ..

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MKO: Sophisticated Extremists who Lack Legitimacy

The Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) aka MKO,PMOI is such a group that has little national, public support, and in turn lacks legitimacy. By and far, most Iranians will assert that the group is neither an authentic nor viable opposition group and it must be examined more closely by foreign nations, particularly Western foreign nations…The MKO should never replace any form of government in Iran simply because they are not a legitimate group. They are terrorists.

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Maryam Rajavi, Taverny gathering and fruitless tumult

On July 26th, when MKO propaganda champagne held a gathering in Jean bouin stadium in a small town called Taverny, Maryam Rajavi had nothing to say except repeating her previous nonsense. She was even unable to present new ideas for MKO members. She could not suggest a solution for the mire MKO was stuck in although MKO made efforts to get rid of it… A look at thoughts and personality of this warmonger element reveals shocking facts to those who still have a sense of nationalism and patriotism..

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Israel’s Iranian Opposition?

… Bolton and Aznar were there to represent a transatlantic coalition of neoconservative pro-Israeli interests who seem to wish to promote the PMOI as the legitimate opposition to Iran’s clerical regime. Bolton’s credentials need no rehearsal here, but let’s not forget that Aznar has recently signed on as a founding member of a European Friends of Israel, in the face of the disastrous repercussions of the Gaza Freedom floatilla raid. The reason for this is fairly clear: on the issues of Israel and on Iran’s nuclear program …

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MKO and Grasping for Support in a Very Wrong Way

..More than half a century has passed since the world has known of Stalin’s terror and his cult of personality. But beware: There is similar potential retribution toward the country of Iran as the dissident group, Mujahedin el Khalq (MKO) attempts to use the media to sell a message that they exist in the name of justice, democracy and peace. Former members of the group have compared its leaders to Stalin..

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MKO, Leftist Extremists or Imperialist’s footman?

..MKO leaders misunderstand their organization’s condition, they are stuck in a defective cycle of”absolute denial of others”and”extreme violence”. This ends in their disability to solve their strategic or tactical contradictions, and eventually the gradual defection of their forces. All this leads MKO/MEK/PMOI from ultra leftist interests (in theory) to rightist activities (in action) as Imperialist’s mercenary and Capitalists’ footman. Today, MKO leader take the same positions of America warmongers and capitalists!..

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Rajavi’s hypocrisy regarding recognized campaigners of Iran

Rajavi has sought refuge in historical, popular, and revolutionary figures of Iranian history to justify his anti-national activities during years of his so-called revolutionary struggle. In other words, he misuses the repute of the distinguished Iranian freedom fighters as well as the leaders of social revolutions, particularly in the recent century, like Sattar Khan, Baqir Khan and Modarres to cover up his political scandals..

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The Reality of National Council of Resistance

..The other opposition groups who were members of NCR also defected from the council since they saw the principal axis they had based their coalition on was being violated by MKO/MEK/PMOI whose leader, Massoud Rajavi was taking the most undemocratic steps against his own nation by cooperating with Iraqi Baath regime. On the other hand, a more important factor of NCR’s decline was that MEK was not playing the role of an ally but it was considering itself as the main element of the council…

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MKO: People’s Friends or Foes

Maryam Rajavi’s trip to Germany indicates Europeans double standards towards terrorist and violent groups. They endanger the security of their own countries by playing an illogic game with such groups. According to political principals and EU laws, any group or entity with a background of terrorist, violent acts against civilians should be boycotted for much political financial or spiritual support..

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Secrets of the Tea Party

… MEK’s initial purpose was realized in 1979 when the group, along with followers of Ayatollah Khomeini, successfully staged the Islamic revolution, seizing the Tehran U.S. Embassy and sending the Shah into exile. Following the revolution, MEK was sent into exile by the Islamic Republic of Iran. Over the following two decades MEK allied itself with Saddam Hussein …

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