The MEK and the Iranian People

Type of government MKO imagines of

Democracy is the term Mujahedin use in their speeches, messages, propaganda shows and court appeals. But they cannot remove the facts from history and the memoirs of millions of Iranians who witnessed the treasons MKO committed against their own country during the eight years of Iran-Iraq war. What’s MKO’s assessment about Iranian people? How can MKO/MEK/PMOI replace democratic slogans for its actions as Saddam’s notorious accomplice?

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Blood of Iraqi Children at the Hands of MKO Terrorists

The Iraqi people are familiar with the strong relationship that linked the organization with elements of the former regime and the coalition between them and the fateful military support and material submitted to it by the former system and they will never forget the blood of Iraqi children that has been lost at the hands of these terrorists, and now [the Iraqi people] insist on their right to bring them to trial and justice.

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The process of MKO Decline

As Camp Ashraf is the symbol of MKO’s existence and so –called ideology, losing Ashraf equals the loss of MKO leaving Iraq means accepting a huge strategic mistake that the ideological leader made 30 years ago. And that’s what Massoud Rajavi has done in his latest message .. The members have always been told to defend Ashraf in any circumstances. They were ordered to lay down in front of vehicles driven by Iraqi Police when they raided Camp Ashraf on July 28th. They were told to sacrifice themselves to keep the Camp.

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Iran: victim of terrorism in Tabriz University

Habilian Association (Families of terror victims in Iran) held an exhibition in Tabriz University about MKO/MEK/PMOI long history of violence and crime under the title of”Iran; victim of terrorism”…new documents disclosing the MKO atrocities and crimes in Iran and abroad were brought to the eyes of the students and intellectuals.

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“Iran: A Victim of Terrorism”in Pakdasht

“Iran: A Victim of Terrorism”exhibition was held by Habilian Association (families of 16000 Iranian terror victims) in Pakdasht, 25 km southeast of Tehran. Highly welcomed by the visitors, the exhibition was held in order for various groups of people to become familiar with the background and crimes of the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI)…It’s very funny for me that despite of all their treason against Iranian nation, the MKO still claims to love and be benevolent to Iranian nation.

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“Iran: A Victim of Terrorism”in a Qazvin university

Iran: A Victim of Terrorism”exhibition was held by Habilian Association in Azad Islamic University of Qazvin. The exhibition was held in order for the students to become familiar with the background and crimes of the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO). … Thank you for holding the exhibition. It introduced the enemies of Islam and Iran openly to the youth who do not have much knowledge about MKO’s background. I hope this will continue through the educational year …

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MKO’s new propaganda show

Following their failure in the so-called hunger strike in Camp Ashraf ,London, New York … where Mujahedin Khalq didn’t succeed in drawing Western governments’ attention to their terrorist cult, last week they launched a new propaganda campaign in order that they could find the West’s sympathy by their new show.. the more Mujahedin play the role of spies for the West, the less they can find support among Iranian people.

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Organized Violence at Camp Ashraf

MEK despite what its leaders claim, has never followed a peaceful option to achieve its goals. Massoud Rajavi, like Stalin, divided the world to two groups:”With MEK and Against MEK”[MKO/PMOI]; he isolated the organization behind the barbed wires so no idea or no individual is able to get in or out..The culture of violence is not only included in physical violence but also in verbal violence. The physical violence is based on verbal violence.

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The “wolves” documentary released

According to the database of Habilian Association (terror victims’ family) the “wolves” documentary (Subject) is the story of members of MKO terrorist cult who moved to Iraq in the very early days of Iraq’s imposed war to Iran and became a part of Saddam’s war machine against Iran and fought against their own people as a part of Saddam’s army.

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