The MEK and the Iranian People

Mojahedin to execute Israel plan

Israel, in collaboration with Iranian terror groups, planned to assassinate Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, says Tehran’s top intelligence official. ..The MKO/PMOI/MEK terrorist group had, however, set conditions for carrying out the assassination, he added.”They had asked that the US and the West remove their name from their blacklists.”..The group is especially notorious for the help it extended to former dictator Saddam Hussein ..

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MEK; traitors in the eyes of most Iranians

That fighting against one’s own countrymen in a war that killed hundreds of thousands of people might undermine the MEK’s credibility within Iran is not something ..The sight of [MEK] forces aiding the Iraqi war effort turned them into perennial traitors in the eyes of most Iranians. This perception of the [MEK] still persists, more than 15 year after the ending of the war..

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Masud Rajavi and his Forth Option

Masud Rajavi, runaway leader of MKO/MEK/PMOI Cult, brought his head out of his shelter to issue a new statement. This is not the first time Rajavi tries to present himself and his organization as a powerful, effective weight in Iranian political scene..Although, in his letter, Rajavi makes too much effort to claim that he doesn’t consider the IRI regime as legitimate, he views them deserved enough to offer them two suggestions

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Rajavi-Rigi, a stereotypical image of terrorist alliance

The statements of Rigi at a time when MKO insists to remove its name form the terrorist list of the US State Department indicates that Mojahedin are well aware of mechanisms and levers to play with westerners. They realize the fact that the process of making any decision in the global scene is a long one when time has a determining role in their future.

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US finances anti-Iran terrorist gang

Jundullah leader Abdulmalik Rigi received $100,000 from US operatives to fuel sectarianism in Iran in just one of their meetings, his brother has said. ..Abdulmalik Rigi admitted during an interview with a US-based satellite TV station that his group collaborated with another anti-Iranian terrorist group, the Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO).”They (MKO) inform us about the regime’s activities in our areas of operations ..

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Saudi intelligence chief meets Rajavi

Saudi intelligence chief meets Rajavi looking for an office to create move his terror base ..Saudi intelligence chief Prince Muqrin bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, met recently in the Jordanian capital, Amman, Masoud Rajavi, head of the MKO terrorist organization, which the Iranians call”hypocrites.”..Center of Islamic Haramain, according to informed sources, reported that Rajavi and some of the leaders of the organization who have left Iraq for Jordan in order to move to European capitals and take political asylum ..

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How cost effective is western support for the MKO ?

Looking at Iran from outside and through the lens of ‘regime change’ has led many western analysts and politicians to a false perception of the country – one based on wishful thinking rather than facts on the ground…the MKO/MEK/PMOI is profoundly unpopular among right thinking Iranians wherever they live and whatever their politics. Indeed in western countries, post-election protestors of all persuasions have angrily and vigorously expelled MKO activists from their demonstrations

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MKO in search of an alternative Ashraf in Europe

the attempts of Rajavi in recent years have been futile failing in transferring MKO members from Iraq that is no more a safe haven for those who were once engaged in committing terrorist actions against Iraqi people on their own soil. The hostile position taken by Rajavi in Iraq despite his illegal settlement therein has been a warning for other countries not to let him and his organization in. Rajavi is well aware that at the time being no country consents to give refugee to Mojahedin ..

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The MEK and the Iranian Protests

The MEK or MKO is a Marxist organisation with a long history of attempts to overthrow various Iranian governments. They helped Saddam Hussein in the war against Iraq. After the US invasion they were disarmed and confined to camps in Iraq. They are on a US list of terrorist organisations even though Europe recently delisted them. .The CIA provides material support to the actions of the MEK inside Iran. The recent spate of explosions in Iran … appears to be linked to an MEK operation.In a July 29 article,wrote Ritter.

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