The MEK and the Iranian People


And those who shed tears for such a terrorist group which is rejected by the whole world must be aware that terrorists who have sold their souls to the devil would be prepared to do anything to complete the transaction even if they need to backstab their hosts… for those who are not still convinced, the alternative solution is that they «host» MKO(MEK, PMOI, NCRI, Rajavi cult) in their own countries away from Iraq

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The terrorist challenge of MKO and the West

The present challenge posed on the west by MKO is a strategic one with idealism and self-interests as its two ends. It is almost two and half a decade that MKO has turned problematic for the west as an armed, ideological, cultic and radical opposition group. The recent regional transitions as well as invasion of Iraq by coalition forces followed by the fall of Saddam in particular have proved that this predicament is worsening ever-increasingly. In this regard, this challenge can be investigated in three different but interrelated fronts: Iran, Iraq, and West.

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MP Slams West’s Selective Definition of Terrorism

Saying that the western countries follow no specific logic in their behaviors, member of Iranian parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Heshmatolah Falahat Pisheh told FNA on Sunday that if they had a certain definition for terrorism, they would not strike the name of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) off the list of terrorist groups..

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Crimes of MKO in Iraq discussed

… Dr. Abdalzahra Mohye: many and Iraqi families have suffered from crimes committed by MKO. As the private army of Saddam Hussein, this little group assisted former regime to massacre Iraqi Kurds and suppress Shiites Intifada.I saw it with my own eyes how they killed innocent people in a mosque in Baghdad’s Sadr district…

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EU urges Obama to support terror cult

More than 100 members of the European Parliament have tried to persuade the US president to lift an American ban on the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/PMOI/MEK), AFP reported on Thursday. The MKO, which identifies itself as a Marxist-Islamist guerilla army, was founded in Iran in the 1960s but was exiled some twenty years later for carrying out numerous acts of terrorism inside the country.

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US has not changed its regime change policy

This is a government with a long and continuing history of support for Saddamists in Iraq in the hope that they can be paid to foment and maintain hostilities against Iran. By far the most blatant example of this is that from 2003 until now the US has desperately tried to keep together what is left of the Mojahedin-e Khalq at Ashraf terrorist camp (the MKO is on the US’s own list of terrorist entities) against the wishes of the Government and people of Iraq and against the human rights of the people inside the camp

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Iran has lost 16000 of its nationals to MKO

… Also regarding US State Department recent report that has called Iran one of the main sponsors of terrorism, he said Iran has always been one of the “main victims of terrorism” and has lost 16,000 of its nationals in Mujahidin Khalq Organization (MKO) terror acts. “The main emblematic of state terrorism is Israel and its main sponsor is the US, thus Iran can’t be labeled in this way, all and everybody should have the cause of fight against terrorism in a non-political atmosphere.” …

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CIA recruiting PMOI members, reports say

United Arab Emirates, Media reports suggested Tuesday that officials from the United States and the United Arab Emirates are recruiting Iranian dissidents to spy on Iranians.. The reports said the CIA has brought PMOI members to Dubai from their Camp Ashraf enclave in Iraq’s Diyala province. The Nahrainnet report specifically mentioned the CIA is looking to the PMOI to serve as agents conducting espionage against the Iranian Embassy and its staff in Dubai.

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MKO members in UAE to spy on Iranians

About one hundred Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/PMOI/MEK) members have entered the United Arab Emirates to spy on Iranian nationals, a report says. The MKO members have arrived in the country and are working closely with the UAE Security Forces and the US Central intelligence Agency (CIA), Nahrainnet news website quoted informed sources.

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Access demanded to hundreds of MKO cult members who want out

… Daily it is becoming clearer that the ordinary members of the MKO are being denied that freedom of choice and freedom of thought only because American soldiers have been tasked to protect Massoud Rajavi. The MKO leaders are threatening a ‘humanitarian disaster’ – which cult experts translate as acts of mass suicide. If President Obama’s promise of change is to have meaning beyond simply being words on the page, the standoff at Camp Ashraf is an ideal place to start putting words into action…

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