The MEK and the Iranian People


MR.ABRISHAMCHI is the second important personality in the male command section after MASSOUD RAJAVI in PMOI..He is ex- husband of MARYAM AZDANLO[Maryam Rajavi], who got divorced to get married to MASSOUD RAJAVI in an ideological event, which is known as the ideological revolution…This man is very dangerous for European people especially French and Americans. While the catastrophic event of 9/11 happened in USA, MR ABRISHAMCHI congratulated MASSOUD RAJAVI and MARYAM RAJAVI (AZDANLO) in the big gathering of PMOI/MKO/MEK in Iraq.

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MKO terror legitimization prompts protests

The family members of victims of MKO terrorist attacks have cautioned the EU against becoming the organization’s”partner in crime”.”As victims of MKO terrorism, we advise the European Union not to turn into the group’s collaborator in their atrocities against the Iranian nation,”reads a statement from the family members.

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Belgian MP: PMOI is a sect

For Josy Dubié (Belgian MP), there is not a doubt that PMOI is”a sect”. The Belgian senator draws from his memories international reporter to the RTBF to affirm it. At the end of the Iraq-Iran war, they are the combatants of this organization which Saddam Hussein had sent like”flesh with canon”at the time of the battle of Mehran, in 1989…”I know them from inside”, continues the senator,”and I can say to you that their behavior is to be brought closer to that of the members of Scientologie”. Didn’t they evolve since the Eighties? Josy Dubié does not believe in it at all.”They[PMOI/MKO/MEK] are still as sectarian as before”, he ensures.

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Spite of the Soil

This is a documentary about the terrorist organization, MKO, told through the eyes of former MKO agents who have turned away from their former terror activities. An insight into this organization which has caused terror and is recognized as a terror organization worldwide

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Europe may find itself providing refuge for MKO Terrorists

The European Union on Monday announced the removal of a high-profile Iranian opposition group from its list of terrorists, a victory for a movement that European governments have described as a dangerous sect and prosecuted on terrorism charges…Analysts said European leaders probably acted out of diplomatic expediency because of the impending expulsion from Iraq of nearly 3,000 members of the opposition group’s military wing, who once fought against their homeland on behalf of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.

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Envoy Underlines MKO’s Terrorist Nature

Referring to the Iraqi government’s decision to expel MKO/PMOI/MEK members from the country, he stressed,”As the Iraqi government officially stated, misled and repentant members of the group could return to Iran or go to another country.”Iraqi National Security Adviser Muwafaq Al-Rubaie said here in Tehran on Wednesday that the MKO will be expelled from Iraq in the near future. Rubaie had also earlier said that his country is determined to implement its decision for closing the MKO headquarters in Diyala province.

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Iran devising plan to try Mojahedin Khalq members

Iran is mulling over a plan to take terrorist MKO/ PMOI members to court following the European Union’s decision to lift a ban on the group. Iranian lawmakers are devising a plan to try the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/PMOI/MEK) members who have taken an active part in terrorist activities against the country.

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EU ministers endorse ‘terrorist group’

The European Union has agreed to remove the notorious Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/PMOI) from its list of banned terrorist groups. EU foreign ministers approved a decision to remove the outlawed terrorist group from a list that includes Palestinian Hamas and Sri Lanka’s Tamil Tigers, an unnamed European official was quoted by Reuters as saying.

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Protests in Tehran against EU

Hundreds of Iranian students, pupils and families of veterans of the Iran-Iraq war (1980-1988) staged a protest gathering in Tehran Sunday against the decision by European Union foreign ministers to remove the People’s Mujahedin of Iran (PMOI) from their list of terrorist organizations. The crowd first gathered in front of the French embassy in Tehran and shouted slogans against France and the EU for their intention to approve the decision in favour of the PMOI at a meeting Monday in Brussels.

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A Different Definition of Human Rights

… They have to explain for the public opinion that how is that some of their allies sent forces to Iraq to confront terrorism but discuss to exonerate a terrorist group settled there of the charges for which the Iraqi government is determined to expel them. Whose rights are really being violated; the victims or the victimizers? Who knows, maybe they have developed a different version of defining human rights! …

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