The MEK and the Iranian People

PMOI terror cult a much bigger threat to Eu than al-Qaeda

The MKO cult is notorious for committing countless atrocities in Iran and Iraq. In Iran alone, their terrorist attacks have claimed over 12,000 deaths and in Iraq, as well as committing war crimes against the Kurds under the Saddam Hussein regime,..This is why America, Canada and the EU have previously refused to remove the MKO from their terror lists, and as recently as the 12 of this month, Condoleezza Rice announced that the MKO group would remain on the US terror list. So why the change in the EU position now?

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MKO with blood on their hands to be tried

Iraq plans to extradite members of an anti-Iran terrorist group who have “Iranian blood on their hands,” Iraq’s national security adviser said Friday..“Some 914 of them have dual nationalities and others who want to return to Iran will be allowed to do so,” Rubaie said, adding he would discuss the issue with officials from 12 countries to see if they would accept MKO members.“They will leave Iraq in a non-forcible way,” he said. “Terrorist groups have no place in Iraq.”

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Iraq to close MKO camp in two months

Iraqi National Security advisor Muwafaq al-Rubaie said on Friday that Baghdad plans to close down the Ashaf military camp where the terrorist Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/PMOI) members are held under house arrest. Iraq is also seeking to extradite the Mojahedin Khalq members who have taken refuge in Iraq since early 1980s, Rubaie told reporters in a joint news conference with Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Secretary Saeed Jalili in Tehran.

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MKO’s expired role for the West

Ms. McNaught has based her documented report on evidences made by Iraqi Kurds who were victims of MKO’s atrocities while their cooperation with regime of Saddam Hussein to suppress Kurdish uprisings. Although, as McNaught reports “MKO denies involvement in the repression”, she cites the testimonies of Kurds including a Kurd military commander of Pishmerga who lost many forces of his battalion that was attacked by MKO, and a Kurdish researcher assured her that he has handed many secret documents of Baath Intelligence Service to Human Rights Watch; the documents show that MKO helped the Ba’ath forces to occupy Kirkuk province to resist Kurdish forces.

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Removal from EU Terrorism List

The State Department has again decided to keep the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MKO/PMOI/MEK) with all its aliases on the US terrorism list. There are a growing number of people who are calling for the US to have done with the group once and for all. Commentators on several blogs and articles suggest the leaders be ‘tried in internationally approved courts and let the membership go home.’ But this ignores the heavy price that has been paid for the group both politically (Iran has constantly accused the US and Europe of double standards on terrorism for their palpable support for the MKO) and financially

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Who cares about the MKO?

The non-Iranian Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/PMOI/MEK), since the overthrow of the regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, is seeking another alternative in the west. The MKO strove under the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein to become the Iraqi MKO and now is striving to become the Israeli MKO. ..the only side who would really suffer from de-proscribing the MKO in Europe is of course the prime victims of such a destructive cult, meaning the members who will be more mentally manipulated when this is shown to them as a victory of the cult and will ensue their continued mental captivity; and therefore their families must pay the price by being away from them and have no news from their beloved ones.

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MKO futile efforts to survive as a Guerrilla force

So having the base of the people guarantees the success of a guerrilla movement and this is what the MKO/PMOI lacks. Instead they could operate by enjoying the protection of the friendly regime of Saddam Hussein ..MKO lost its public support in three phases..MKO leaders find no way except prolonging their stay in Camp Ashraf, Iraq since their vital need is now awning a location where they can survive as a coercive army.

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MEK Matters in US -Iran Relations

While many in both US and Iran governments are looking for diplomatic solutions to normalize the relations, the MEK/PMOI/MKO traitors are making a lot of efforts to destabilize the Iranian regime by duping the West claiming to represent a democratic alternative to regime of Tehran. To achieve their goals the “MEK have always been able to rent a crowd for the benefits of TV cameras and Naive Western commentators.”; Kenneth.R.Timmerman said in his article

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Machine Making Factories: Ashraf and Auver Sur d’Oise

does the foreign element receive Maryam Rajavi? Does he ever ask about the violation of basic human rights in MKO/PMOI? Do they ever ask Maryam Rajavi why she ordered the hysterectomy surgery on women? Do they ever ask the Rajavis according to which rules the marriage is forbidden in MKO/PMOI? Do the European parliamentarians who claim to be democratic, ask Mrs. Rajavi about the catastrophic situation of children of MEK members? It was better to ask her, while she was visiting Holocaust museum, why she came to such a museum despite her participation in the massacre of Kurdish Iraqis?

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