The MEK and the Iranian People

Tactics to Fool People

In other words, what the vote of a mere 300,000 reflects, is that the MEK is controlled by Cheney, or by the same people who control Cheney, who desire a war with Iran. 300,000? The growing number of MySpace and Facebook users should remind us that large groups of people can be influenced

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many Iranians conclude the U.S. is supporting a terrorist organization

… The Mujahideen-e-Khalq is one of the oldest — and nastiest — of the Iranian opposition groups. After originally supporting the Iranian revolution, the MEK broke with Khomeini and relocated to Iraq in the early stages of the Iran-Iraq War. It was so closely connected to Saddam that MEK fighters not only assisted the Iraqis in the Iran-Iraq War but also helped Saddam put down the 1991 Kurdish uprising.

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The US Instrumental Use of MKO

The Vice President is fully aware of the actions taken by the United States towards Iran that are further destabilizing the world as evidenced by the following: … MMM(D) The United States has been linked to anti-Iranian organizations that are attempting to destabilize the Iranian government, in particular the Mujahideen-e Khalq (MEK), even though the state department has branded it a terrorist organization.

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U.S. financially supports Iranian opposition

The U.S. daily Washington Prism has reported that the United States is officially funding terrorist organizations opposed to the government in Iran. Reese Elrich of the Washington Prism and author of the book “Target Iraq”, who recently visited Iran and the Kurdish regions in northern Iraq, reports on the U.S. government’s financial support for armed groups.

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Neoconservative and Rajavi Cult Lies

Alireza Jafarzadeh went on to become a foreign affairs analyst for the Fox News Channel. In the eyes of the leaders of the Rajavi Cult, America is truly a land of opportunity. Where else in the world can you find so many dupes?The Rajavi Cult has experimented with sending its press releases and articles and with providing supporters for interviews across America’s entire political spectrum.

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Can the Rajavi Cult Dupe Progressives?

While the American government has closed the office of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) in Washington, DC, the American government has not closed the operations of other supporters of America’s terrorist enemies.Many of the neo-conservatives (neo-Trotskyites) have been strong supporters of the Rajavi Cult.

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