The MEK and the Iranian People

Iran Policy Committee’s latest tragi-comedy script

Last week the Supreme Court of the US refused to hear the appeal by Mojahedin Lawyers against prosecution of its fundraisers since it did not consider their case even fit to be heard.The American army bombarded the Mojahedin’s Iraqi bases and disarmed them 3 years ago. Since then about 800 of them have been helped to return home to their families. …

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Bipartisan Members of Congress File Brief

According to the brief, Congress feared that, in enacting the law which allows the government to designate terrorist organizations and prosecute those who support them, it would abridge First Amendment rights by allowing the State Department to designate groups for purely political reasons. Such political opponents of the State Department would then be unable to raise funds from …

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Raw Story Exclusives revealed use of terror group

RAW STORY’s Ron Brynaert and Michael Roston revealed the redacted portions of Flynt Leverett’s”censored”New York Times op-ed which contained”sensitive”information that the White House apparently did not want disclosed—some of it obliquely referring to the Mujahedeen-e Khalq (MEK), an anti-Tehran militia.

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Confessions of Raymond Tanter

The Iran Policy Committee describes itself as:
Iran Policy Committee (IPC) is comprised of former officials from the White House, State Department, Pentagon, intelligence agencies, and experts from think tanks and universities.

The Executive Director is described as a former employee of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

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Friends of Once Enemy

Once itself the forerunner of such resistance, MKO has taken a sloping path swimming against the current. In its formation of struggle against the ousted Iranian monarchy, the organization propagated the idea that “there is only one major enemy: imperialism and its local collaborators”. Mojahedin denounced the American imperialism for its political, economic, social and cultural break-in role.

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Double Standards of the west

In the United States as well as United Kingdom, the Mojahedin-E Khalq of Iran employs powerful and well connected lobbyists working to remove them from the terrorist lists of both of those countries. These lobbyists are attempting to erase the violent and bloody past of the Mojahedin-e khalq of Iran, and present a ‘revised’ version of history.

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Raymond Tanter spoke of MKO’s interference in Iraq’s internal affairs

Raymond Tanter, bankrupt republican and arms dealer who sells weapons to mercenary groups, talking on the issue of situation in Iraq to Al-Jazeera last night, overtly spoke of MKO’s interferences in Iraq’s internal affairs. A supporter of MKO, Tanter has repeatedly asked the US government to use the terrorist group as leverage against Iran. On MKO’s ties with remnants of Saddam,…

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US already at war with Iran

The US seems to be using an Iraqi terror group known as Mujahedeen-e Khalq (MEK) to create instability and commit acts of violence (remember the terror bombings there?) in Iran before going to a full-on war with them, as reported by The Raw Story here. It appears that most of this group has been trained by the CIA.

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Rajavi’s Meeting with Israeli Diplomats

Sources add that in her meeting with a number of Norwegian MPs, Maryam Rajavi asked parliamentarians to pave the way for accepting Iraqi-based MKO members in Norway as refugees.Observers believe that Rajavi’s visit to Norway was conducted with the green light by the US and it seems that the US has allowed Maryam Rajavi to start efforts to win the support of European countries after they (Americans) couldn’t find a solution for the presence of this group in Iraq.

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Pentagon Nails the Coffin of MKO

What Brooks has revealed is that Pentagon has lifted its support for the MKO and this can be interpreted as the removal of the last obstacle for the expulsion of the group from Iraq. This means that opponents of MKO presence in Iraq should be assured that this terrorist cult has no supporter among US authorities, including Pentagon officials.

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