The MEK and the Iranian People

A Funny Solution to the Middle East Crisis

Western leaders are scratching their heads in desperate search for a new Middle East policy as the dire situation in Iraq worsens and tensions in Lebanon and Palestine rise.It does not mean that Lord Corbett favors a permanent anarchy in the Middle East, no, heaven forbid, but that he conceives the West is unable to find the appropriate apparatus to solve the problem. Criticizing engagement of Iran to end the crisis ..

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Rumsfeld-Wolfowitz and MKO Against Iraqis

Following the fall of dictatorial regime in 2003, coalition forces surrounded the MKO and forced them to give up their arms but allowed them to stay in their camp. Several MKO members in Iraq left the country to get to a European nation but many others remained in MKO camps. Some others started serving remnants of Baath party and were actually welcomed by Baathists who considered them as the guests of Saddam.

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Movers and Shakers of U.S. Foreign Policy

This ‘publicly supported independent economic think tank’ which has received a landmark multi-year grant from the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles to help the ‘independent’ research of Milken realize its goal of establishing Israel as one of the top 10 countries in terms of quality of life and GDP per capita[i], was hosting author and Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations Max Boot on November 9th. He was launching his new book”War Made New:

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What’s Coming for the MKO?

Norwegian foreign ministry, which reflects the policies of the government, announced that in regards with Maryam Rajavi’s visit to Norway the parliament has neither conferred with ambassadors nor with the government. The foreign ministry announced this to show that this visit is unimportant and that the Norwegian government doesn’t support it. …

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MEK, The West and Iran

For years now I have shuddered every time a Western country has made contact with the MEK; whether it was their spokesperson Jafarzadeh, or with Maryam Rajavi, or some other low-life. Anxiety would fill every conscious hour of my day and even creep into my resting hours and torment me to think that Congress was working on taking these traitors off their Foreign Terrorist Organization list. How could Maryam Rajavi be allowed to live comfortably in a Paris suburb, this woman who is the leader of a terrorist cult?

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MKO; A Tool for Warmongers in Elections

It seems that Tanter thinks the MKO has arrived in Iraq just yesterday that it would gain public favor (in the case of being allowed to operate)! Or, he may think that the MKO has been doing nothing in Iraq for the past 25 years!More interesting is that Tanter is going to take advantage of the MKO in his election campaigns in the favor of Neoconservatives and warmongers.

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Tanter, A Mediator Between MKO and Israel

Though this amounts to making a pact with the devil, he believes that the only way to prevent Iran from attaining nuclear weapons is to replace the religious regime in Iran with a democratic one, and that only MEK can do that. But there are several problems with MEK. The U.S. declared it a terror organization, and most Iranians consider MEK members traitors, because they supported Saddam Hussein during the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s.

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A Shameful Support of pro-Saddam Faction

…in a recently published article World War W, discusses the ridiculous decisions flowing from the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld-Rice administration to design, launch and wage World War W. The article further discusses that as the repercussions of a US attack on Iran could well be dire, they are trying a well-financed fifth column of support in Iran, the pro-Saddam faction of Mujaheddin-e-Khalq.

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Failure of Warmongers in Using the MKO

Warmongers discussed the issue of MKO with different parties and individuals in Iraq but there was no sign of cooperation with this group and the plans of Pentagon. Warmongers realized how hateful this group is. After this, they gave guidelines to the remnants of Rajavi to collect signatures and build fake parties as their supporters in Iraq in order to find a way out of crisis.

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