The MEK and the Iranian People

Don’t Scuttle Chances for Negotiations

Announced by U.S. Newswire, over one hundred religious leaders, Christian, Muslim, and Jewish, will call on Congress on Tuesday 26 this week to urge Congress to assert its oversight function to prevent a preemptive attack on Iran. …The religious leaders specifically cite five causes for concern, the second of which points to the administration using the terrorist Mujahedeen-e Khalq …

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A Meeting of Friends of Terrorism

Facing its most crucial days in Iraq, MKO gets advantage of any chances to muster sympathizers and supporters to reaffirm its status as political refugees in Iraq. As the organization is banned, under the adopted anti-terrorism laws, to hole open rallies and meetings …

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MKO Terrorist Operations

The Bulletin indicates the mortar attacks and bombings of Iranian cities resulted in the injury and martyrdom of innocent civilians and damage to their property. MKO claimed the responsibility for those operations by issuing press releases following the incidents. This bulletin as an illustrated, documentary evidence of MKO/MEK/PMOI atrocities, works well to illuminate facts on the terrorist nature of MKO and the cause for its proscription as a terrorist organization.

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Open Activities of a Proscribed Organization

Under section 3 of the Terrorism Act, the UK Home Secretary has the power to proscribe organizations believed to be “concerned in terrorism”. Both the wide definition of terrorism and the vagueness of the grounds for proscription could lead to abuse the law in support of the illegitimate organizations rather than their proscription.

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Predicting the Game Results

The White House, looking at terrorist MKO, understands this group’s efforts to copy and conduct the theories of Neo-cons and Israelis, confirms that- as announced by Pentagonists- the members of this group can be used as devotees for US soldiers in any possible attack to Iran….

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Partners of MKO’s Crimes

The major question for Mr. Binley is that”should we say a group is a terrorist group only if it has damaged the western interests?”
And more importantly:”What’s Mr. Binley’s idea about the figures and statistics of MKO terrorist operations inside Iran, provided by this group itself?”
Mr. Binley and people like him either have entered the scene of politics and the issue of Iran very late …

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The Egalitarian Terrorists!

Following his propagandistic attempt in shouldering responsibility to distort Mojahedin Khalq’s notorious past, Daniel Zucker in his recent focus has ascribed the epithet of “egalitarian” to the group. A Zionist Rabbi devoted to help Iranian people to set up a secular democracy, Mr. Zucker once more …

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Israel’s New Guideline for MKO

Israel believes Syria is a factor that can direct the US towards a fight against Iran and that this element should be eliminated. On this issue, terrorist MKO agrees with Israel and therefore openly takes position against Syria. The comments of Mohaddessin last year on the role of Syria in the assassination of Rafiq al-Hariri were supposed to stoke the fire of plots against Syria.

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Ravings of MKO’s Zionist Supporter

Distorting history and producing different versions of a same historical event is an illness, with long history in the MKO.
For different reasons, including whitewashing the crimes of the past or to win the attraction of new supporters, MKO distorts the history and broadcast new versions of it through its propagandistic outlets.

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