The MEK and the Iranian People

Iraqi Lawyer Advocates Rights of Terrorists

In an interview published in Washington Post on 10 June 2006, Kamal Hamdoun, the head of Iraq’s lawyers’ union, deplored the dominant anarchy in Iraq saying:”We are living in terror. For example, I’m unable to move around freely. And there’s a gun in my drawer”

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MKO’s Crisis Escalates with UN’s Move

Maryam Rajavi, representing Massoud Rajavi’s treacherous gang, rushed to welcome this anti-Iran resolution to prove her faithfulness to Americans (whom she hopes will support her after Saddam Hussein).
The main purpose of Maryam Rajavi, of course, is to boost the morale of restricted MKO members who have been waiting for this resolution for years.

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MKO Rebuke Nyabati for Reviling Israel

Bijan Nyabati, a left member of NCRI, MKO’s political branch, in a recent jeremiad in Persian lamented the Qana village tragedy of thirty seven innocent Lebanese women and children killed under the Israeli heavy shelling. In fact, deliberately or unknowingly, he swam against MKO’s policy taken towards Israel.

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MKO Influence in U.S. Politics

….the MKO were included in the very first list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations under the 1996 Antiterrorism Act and this determination was consistent with prior assessments by the State Department”… MEK hold fundraising events, where like-minded individuals are invited to contribute funds ultimately meant for terrorist activities.”
Assistant Secretary Juan C. Zarate, Terrorist Financing, Department of the Treasury February 1, 2005 Harper’s Bazaar/International AntiCounterfeiting Coalition Summit

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MKO-Israel’s Endgame

Fox News, the channel of American warmongers, which seems to have faced legal restrictions for using the spokesman of terrorist MKO (Alireza Jafarzadeh), reported a letter from him- without inviting or showing him.

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Rajavi’s Gang Expresses Support for Israel Crimes

In a hurried and desperate move, notorious gang of Rajavi linked the Israel’s aggression against Palestine and Lebanon to the recent decision of the west to return Iran’s nuclear case to the UN Security Council, while the preplanned aggression of Israelis started more than 20 days ago.

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Rajavi’s Gang, Israeli Crimes’ Ally

Let’s imagine that the members and supporters of MKO are free enough to ask questions from MKO officials (that is totally impossible); only this and nothing more. Then, the question is: why the MKO doesn’t take position against the crimes of Israel?

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The protection of terrorism, for what reason?

In the third celebration of June 17, day of arresting Maryam Azdanloo the third wife of Rajavi and the leader of Mujahedeen terrorist sect, who absconded three years ago, some of the statesmen ….These statesmen are considered as gull and stupid persons who can be utilized as instruments.

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CIA Controls the Cult

detaining its members, and signing agreement with each and every one of Camp Ashraf residents (under the name of Geneva Convention) are of measures taken by the US to counter the pressures of Iraqi government to expel the group from Iraq

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