Rajavis and Cult Leadership

To the supporters of Rajavi’s cult

Rajavi’s supporters should observe how he deals with his most self-sacrificing followers and how he rewards them after years of loyalty. What would have happened if Rajavi had real power, how would he have dealt with his opponents? Wouldn’t he be worse than any dictator in the world? And so I must ask: “isn’t it time for those who continue to support Rajavi to recognise their mistake and keep their distance from him?”

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MEK desperate to keep its members in Iraq

This week it has been revealed that Massoud Rajavi released an audio message during the month of Ramezan addressing his 3000+ followers.Rajavi tells them ‘anyone who wants to leave can go to Hell, as I have no use for you. If I have one thousand loyal devotees I can do anything’.

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Human Shields to Protect MKO

Ms. Kambash is not the first to make a comment about the inhuman approach by MKO to use members as human shields. Through any taken opportunity in the past, there has been an attempt by ex-members and other experts to tell the world of the concerns about the members not living but enslaved by MKO against their own will

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Save Enslaved MKO Members

What the group needs at the present to fuel its propaganda machine for a full move is sacrifice. Where else can MKO/MEK/PMOI leaders find a better slaughter house than Camp Ashraf to make about 3000 martyrs? In fact, those lobbying to return members to Ashraf are building the altar for MKO to scarify poor insiders…

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Mujahedin-e Khalq Leaders Abusing Followers in Iraq

The MeK was a long-standing member of the US State Department’s list of terrorist organizations, but after heavy lobbying the group was dropped from the list last year…Accord to Kobler, the UN receives “hundreds” of reports every day about violations by MeK leaders against people inside Camp Hurriya, restricting their movement, forbidding them from contacting family members, and keeping them from leaving…

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U.N. envoy accuses Iran group’s leaders in Iraq of rights abuses

“Of increasing concern are the human rights abuses in Camp Hurriya itself by the camp leadership,”Kobler said.”Hundreds of daily monitoring reports suggest that the lives of Camp Hurriya members are tightly controlled.””A significant number of residents have reported to U.N. monitors that they are not free to leave the camp, to participate in the resettlement process…

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Camp Liberty residents’ questions go unanswered

With reference to the sayings of Massoud Rajavi, one of the MEK officials said, “We lost our chance in the past election in 2009, if we lose our chance this time the overthrow of the regime will not be possible for another 8 years”. Apparently the cult had sent some sabotage teams into Iran who were arrested before they could do anything. In his internal …

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MKO Responsible for any Bloodshed

A brief look at MKO-run media implies that the world is concerned about the dire situation of the group’s members residing in the transit Liberty camp scheduled to be transferred out of Iraq to other third countries if they are accepted. As recently, there are also many statements circulated on the group’s pages from a variety of dignitaries from Western countries as well as organizations condemning mortar attacks against Camp Liberty

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Why such a reaction to defection of two NCR members?

The announcement of the NCR was allegedly signed by the so-called signatories who signed the group’s announcement against Qasim and Rowhani and according to Hossein nejad 90 percent of them are currently in Iraq so they were absent at the NCR’s meeting held in Paris! Therefore, no challenge and criticism was posed in the meeting.

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The MKO leadership victim of the US!?

the so-called National Council of Resistance accused the US State Department of “targeting the victims” because the department hadn’t appreciated “the efforts of the leadership” of the MKO. This time the secretariat of the NCR published an alleged “rebuttal” to the LA Times and once again accused it of “targeting the victims”. Why? Because Paul Richter of the LA Times reported that “The group leadership was not cooperating in the departures….

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