Rajavis and Cult Leadership

A campaign that Rajavi does not like

It is mentioned in the declaration of the campaign, “We call upon the United Nations and other responsible organizations for the immediate safe transfer of these defenseless political asylums before anymore future attacks.” Despite the humanitarian nature of the campaign, Rajavi organization has mobilized its member and supporters to accuse founders and members of the campaign to be agents of Islamic Republic of Iran. One of the founders of the campaign, Mrs. Atefeh Eghbal, is a former high ranking MEK …

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European intellectual views on the Cult of Rajavi_Part4

All cults in the world follow common rules and they are always headed by a charismatic but actually hypocrite person. Of course each cult has its own characteristics that should be investigated separately.The issues regarding the MKO/MEK/PMOI should be studied in a large political scope. In my idea, the MKO Cult is not a play ball in hands of others that everyone can use…

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Memoirs of Nasrin Ebrahimi, MKO ex- member_Part1

…. In a short time Rajavi found out that female members of the group can better run his plans. This way, women would think that they were promoted in the cult hierarchy and they would feel superior over their male comrades…Massoud Rajavi made women feel that they owe their position to him …

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Inhabitants of Liberty do not enjoy the minimum of security

Urgent call – … The truth is that Liberty is much smaller than Ashraf and Rajavi’s cultic apartheid cannot be enforced in it so easily; gossip spreads quicker amongst the people and therefore cultic control is much harder. What has no place in Rajavi’s scheming is the life of the members of his cult and he even prefers to have more casualties for using in his propaganda campaign. It must be mentioned that returning to Ashraf …

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Idolizing the Dead, MKO’s Survival Desideratum

Blood, shed from its own members or those in opposite front, builds the cornerstone of MKO. The Rajavis, the husband-wife leaders of the group, are of the opinion that the rightness of any ideology is maintained by the number of its casualties and martyrs; included in their political and ideological framework, the life and death of man is so simple an issue like drinking water. Ask any defected member and they would promptly enumerate plain examples of the glorification of violence and death-seeking attitude within the organization,..

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Camp Ashraf, Rajavi’s Cult Milieu

MKO inaugurated the ideological revolution to introduce a charismatic authoritarian leader to exert control over every aspect of his adherents’ life and to establishing a totalitarian pyramidal structure where the chosen devoted commanders would act as the leader’s deputies in his absence. But the leader needed certain facilities to implement the newly devised mind control. The most important prerequisite was of course a remote place isolated….

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Defectors bugging the Rajavis

The majority of former members of the cult of Rajavi (the Mujahedin Khalq Organization/ the MKO/ MEK) are determined to reveal what they once thought as normal in the cult because of the responsibility they feel regarding the threat of the cult for both their former friends in the MKO and the humane community. ..

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MKO’s Trick of Concentrating upon a Single Foe

Pretty remarkable in MKO-run propaganda machine is a strange paradox. It highlights anti-Iranian regime sentiments and demonizes whoever is attached to it and minimizes whatever might cause MKO fall into disrepute of being represented as an undemocratic terrorist cult. It fuels global rage against Iranian regime but praises the group and its leaders as pro-democratic

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European intellectual views on the Cult of Rajavi – Part2

Rajavi is an intelligent person on the ground of using contrasts in inhuman way. Using political contrasts in the past and present time, he could build places like Ashraf or Ouver Sur d’Oise to control individuals.He well recognized political splits and used the challenges and clashes in politics to maintain the structure of his cult. He knows whom to contact…

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Unearthed Mass Graves Prove MKO-Al Qaeda Collaboration

Udai al-Khadran, the governor of the city of Khalis in Diyala province, said Al Qadea and the MKO aka MEK/PMOI members cooperated to intensify unrests in Khalis.He added that the MKO members are involved in Al Qaeda bombing plots and kidnappings in Diyala.Khadran added that there exist documents substantiating that…

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