Rajavis and Cult Leadership

MKO leaders bar the visit of two sisters who have never met

The leader of the MEK/MKO/PMOI had even prevented my elder daughter Zeynab Hussein-Nezhad (34) from talking to me while we were both inside the organization in Ashraf Camp. We were only allowed to visit once a year in the Iranian New Year (March 21) for about one or two hours where our conversation was totally controlled. This year this bas banned too …

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MeK Efforts to chain members in Liberty

According to the MeK aka MKO/PMOI leadership, declaration of Liberty as a refugee camp would provide their long-term presence in Iraq and they would have a chance to discourage the UNHCR officials in perusing file of transfer the group members out of this country.

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The MEK Is Bad News, But Delisting Them Was A Good Decision

Ironically, while they cursed the secretary from the sidewalk, inside the State Department, Clinton and her aides were quietly working on a plan to save thousands of brainwashed MEK foot soldiers .. This being a cult, however, the leaders initially refused to let anyone leave Ashraf unless they all left as a group. But as one former U.S. diplomat said to me,”What the hell kind of country is going to agree to take in 3,000 militant cult members?”…

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48 Years After Formation of MKO

This September, Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO, MEK, PMOI, NCR, NLA) commemorates 48th anniversary of its formation. Now on the list of designated terrorist organizations, there is no denying that it shares many characteristics and similar terrorist and violent tactics employed by any of the same groups and entities on the list. ..

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Letter of Mr. Ali Hussien-Nezhad to Mr. Martin Kobler

I fully back your efforts for a peaceful solution to the dilemma of the MKO/MEK/PMOI in Iraq and I urge you not to be influenced by the MKO lobby which is active in the western countries and be firm in demanding the MKO leaders to allow the captives to be free. The best thing to do is to permit the families to stay nearby Camp Liberty and provide facilities for them to meet their beloved ones …

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Appeasement in the MeK dictionary

Europe was being accused by the MeK aka MKO/PMOI leadership for appeasing with Iran, because it had placed her terrorist organization in the terrorist list, with the argument that Europe cannot lay away appeasement since it is willing to economic relationship with Iran…

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The only way-out of this crisis is the arrest of Rajavis!

You have done all your efforts for the captives in the notorious and infamous castle , Ashraf, but this terrorist cult even vis a vis you who are the highest official in the United Nations do the disobedience and the revolt. This is the second time in the past two weeks that you as Secretary General of the United Nations have demanded the people’s mujahedin organization to respect the Iraqi regulations ..

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Is the MKO seeking forceful relocation?

Peaceful relocation appears not to be a good solution for the MKO leaders who prefer a forceful relocation. They seem to seek another bloody clash with Iraqi government –which has shown enough tolerance towards the presence of foreign terrorists in its territory so far. In their idea, victimization of some other dissident members of the group would be a useful way to both clear the cult off disloyal members ..

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Masood Rajavi removes from head of the MeK

The fact is that Masood Rajavi has fled because of being at the head of a terrorist organization, being responsible for hundreds of terrorist operations, collaboration with Saddam, establishing of the international criminal network, and dozens of other illegal actions. So, due to the terrorist records and a history of treachery and crime, Rajavi does not have legitimacy to represent a political group.

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