Rajavis and Cult Leadership

Indispensability of Examining Sexual Abuses within the Cult of Rajavi

… Remarks of Mr. Bani-Sadr are opening a new chapter on the subject of sexual relations among the cult[MKO/MEK/PMOI] leaders, and Rajavi in particular, and the reasons behind such unorthodox behaviors. This is a serious approach through which researchers can bring the subject onto the academic scene to study it from a variety of angles and to enlighten the public opinion about the cults’ threats. The taboo of avoiding such overwhelming plight…

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In Memoriam of Mahdi Fathi and others Murdered by MKO

… It is now for months that he is bedridden like a piece of meat getting weaker and weaker. He is no more than a hollow-eyed man with black rings around them and hardly able to move his limbs. The past weeks were a grueling battle of death and life, a monotony of looking at his pale face in the mirror and the lengthened silence of his room made it more intolerable. The daylight filled him with delight although it ended with a sad nightfall, but the worse was…

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Rajavi deploys his Special Guard to attack families with catapults

… Zionist-backed Mojahedin-e Khalq revert to type. The families of MEK cult members held hostage in Camp Ashraf are subjected to violent attacks by Massoud Rajavi’s Special Guard. The cult enclave is surrounded by the families of the people inside who are asking to have contact with their loved ones. The worst fear of Rajavi is for his cult members to have contact with the outside world. …

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Ex member encounters a MKO security unit in camp Ashraf

… The MEK have introduced extra lookout posts around the perimeter mounted on trucks. There are also mobile patrols which travel the perimeter road watching for the families. When the patrols discover the families approaching, the MEK security forces are mobilised. These forces are organised. They do not engage with the families but are immediately hostile. They quickly escalate the encounter from aggressively shouting at the families to go away and swearing at them..

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Ali Einakian; Joining and leaving Mujahedin – Part3

Regarding your personality you will realize the truth sooner or later.The mirage world is actually made by Massoud Rajavi and that’s the near overthrow of Islamic Republic. He first used this tactic in 1980. Forces who had joined MKO were mostly honest Idealists who trusted the organization, so they were simply manipulated by Rajavi. They accepted all his analysis and theories. They never hesitated to think about them. However, such mechanism had limits. The more members waited for the overthrow of regime, the less they trusted the leader..

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Human Shields to Shelter Rajavi’s Cult Bastion

What the outsiders are not generally aware of is the methods and ploys Rajavi has developed to control the members’ lives. The watching and controlling measures that monitor the members even in their privacy never permit any risk of leaving a member alone with an outsider, be it a health caretaker or a member of his/her own family. That is why Rajavi objects to letting the member out of the camp or meeting their families alone and unsupervised

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Abdi talks about his bitter experiences in MKO affairs

Previously we had no patrolling post in our units, but nowadays ,there are 6 of the most loyal members who always patrol the units and a duty officer supervises them . The members have lost their entire confidence to the group and their minds face a lot of contradictions. They should report their contradictory thoughts every day so the leaders doubt every one and fear their escape..

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Ali Einakian;Joining and leaving Mujahedin – Part 2

When I was released from Rajavi’s prison and found myself in free world, I was still mentally captured by Rajavi’s indoctrinations so all the timeI was challenging myself on the decision I had made. After some time when I saw Iraqis’ warm behavior, I changed my mind that had been manipulated by Rajavi for years. MKO leader had always tried to make a terrible enemy out of Iraqi new government..Now I am able to realize what is really going on in the world. It’s true that Rajavi stole 25 years of my life and now I’m not young anymore but I can use my experience..

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Former MEK Members Back Iraqi Citizens and GOI Demand to Oust MEK

In a letter by Massoud Khodabandeh (Iran-Interlink.org), to the Government of Iraq, former members of Iranian terrorist group Mojahedin-e Khalq backed”a large and peaceful gathering of citizens, Council representatives from the Diyala Province and NGOs from all over Iraq, calling for the removal of foreign terrorist group Mojahedin-e Khalq aka MKO/MEK/PMOI from their country.”

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Rajavi incites brainwashed Mojahedin to burn themselves

… In addition to the torture of the MKO members, cult leader Rajavi initiated the anti-humanitarian act …to deny families who have gathered at the camp gates from seeing their children, and on the other hand to prevent the families from checking the health of their loved ones. Iraqi police intervened last week through inspection of the [MKO/MEK/PMOI] hospital, which is part of the sovereignty of Iraq, to provide medicine and doctors. But the MKO leaders took the initiative to send members to injure themselves to prevent the entry of Iraqi police …

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