Rajavis and Cult Leadership

Victims in Camp Ashraf continue to suffer as MKO forces video performances

… Mohammad Karimi has been made to sit before a camera without his military uniform, he is seated somewhere like a gymnasium inside the garrison. His speech is marked by MKO-speak and cult jargon as he swears at and insults his own sister and the Prime Minister of Iraq. Karimi claims that he is at war with Iran and that Iran’s leader (Ayatollah Khamenei) and the Prime Minister of Iraq (Nouri Al Maliki) have been defeated simply by him sitting inside the camp and refusing to see his sister …

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Mujahedin in Denial

..Although camp leadership has essentially been told by the Iraqi government that they are no longer protected, the members are still being told they are. Members are still isolated from the outside world, and they are regularly exposed to the groups’ own media. This propaganda campaign, an emblematic tactic for the MKO[MEK/PMOI], keeps members subdued and believing that the organization maintains strength…

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Rajavi, a devotee of the deviated

… Although the dispute over the acceptance of Islam or Marxism as the ideological infrastructure of the organization caused a schism in the organization with the consequent murder of Sharif-Vaqefi and emergence of the Marxist wing, it will be naïve to put all the blames just on Taqi Shahram and Bahram Aram as the opportunists that betrayed their comrades. …

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MKO view parents as evil

During the few past days, MKO leaders had some of Camp Ashraf residents interviewed on the group’s TV channel. The show indicated the annoying systematic manipulative pressure on the group’s rank and file. Those who were interviewed on TV were mostly among those members whose families were waiting to visit them at Ashraf gates. The families were prevented from visiting their loved ones by MKO/MEk/PMOI leaders.

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Rajavi’s retreat after crisis

The crisis monger of Rajavi’s cult made futile efforts both in propaganda and operational phases to light the fire of protests in Iran. Now, no way is left for Massoud Rajavi but using displacement mechanism to put the blame on others. Addressing his imaginary evidence, MKO’s leader, stuck in his contradictory ideas, represents the ambiguity of the organization’s ideas.

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Rajavi’s Message: Symbol of a Leader’s Distress

Rajavi uses condescending language and erratic reasoning to affront the families whose loved ones remain in the camp. Further, Rajavi claims to be a follower and admirer of Mosadeq (the Iranian President who nationalized the oil industry in the 1950’s) and quotes his words, saying,”My family is my nation”. Although he compares himself to, he fails to mention the atrocities…

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Why Rajavi gave over narrating chronicles?

… Now Rajavi is getting mired in a dilemma to clarify, now that he has started a review of his irreconcilable contrarieties with a revolution, who the perpetrators of terrorist deeds were and what he hoped to gain by these atrocities premeditated against noncombatant and civilian targets. He intentionally evades reviewing the events of the 20 June onward when Mojahedin …

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On Mojahedin Khalq cultic and deterrent measures

… The main point is the indirect presence of Rajavi in the sessions. Though his physical absence may have some negative consequences, even his indirect presence may double the mental and psychological upshots therein. Another point is how Rajavi develops his relationship with MKO/MEK/PMOI members …

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Freedom of prisoners in Camp Ashraf is our ultimate goal

(Families of victims of Mojahedin Khalq/MKO/MEK/ Rajavi cult/ Announcement No.4)… The Mojahedin Khalq (Rajavi cult) has increased its suppression of the captives by increasing the number of patrols, increasing the thickness of barbed-wire fences and many other desperate measures. The last part of this scenario has of course been the forced TV interviews, clearly made under severe threat and physical and psychological pressure …

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Rajavi, the narcissist leader

… There are interesting points focusing on Rajavi’s narcissism by his own words. In his message, he attempts to promote himself to the highest possible point where he makes a relation of any kind between himself and the contemporary historical events of Iran. Surprisingly enough, he makes an astonishing claim …

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