Rajavis and Cult Leadership

Who dares to criticize MKO?

The MKO is going on the same way that led the Soviet Union to its collapse. Totalitarian organizations believe that absolute truth belongs to themselves so they should fight any person or group who do not accept their strategy and ideology. The logic of MKO leaders is based on what the conditions impose on the organization and the consequent policies they choose. ..

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Maryam Rajavi and 12 months to overthrow

As a matter of fact it has always been a special policy in MKO history to determine a time for the fall of IRI. The use of the policy is that the leaders of the cult find a new topic for their manipulative sessions, they entertain the members injecting them the hope for the victory of their so-called struggle, especially in the current declining situation of the group in Iraq.

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Rajavi’s worldview of violence and death

“The mindset of a terrorist group reflects the personality and ideology of its top leader and other circumstantial traits, such as typology (religious, social revolutionary, separatist, anarchist, and so forth), a particular ideology or religion, culture, and nationality, as well as group dynamics.”..Based on many significant evidences, there are points referred to by members and the leader of Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO, MEK, PMOI, NCRI) that may lead to arrive at a deep understanding of the ideological-political indoctrinations of the terrorist cult.

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Freedom according to Rajavi

Considering the 3 decade history of Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization[MKO/MEK/PMOI] and the testimonies of hundreds of former member of the organization denounce the true nature of Maryam Rajavi’s destructive cult in which modern slavery is practiced and members are imprisoned in Camp Ashraf, Iraq or Camp Maryam, France. These facts about Maryam Rajavi and her terror cult clarify the contradiction between her claim for freedom and the real conditions ruling her cult.

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A look at Maryam Rajavi’s interview with AFP

Maybe Maryam Rajavi doesn’t want to accept the fact that she and her fugitive husband have to be brought on justice due to their terrorist acts and human right abuses committed in their cult. She’d better have look at the limbo Camp Ashraf has been tangled In. the truth is that the case of Camp Ashraf doesn’t enjoy the least value or importance in political transitions of the world. This is what Maryam Rajavi should worry about.

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Mass escape, an alternative option before MKO

The fate of MKO and Ashraf residents in Iraq appears to have been sealed and the members are waiting their relocation to another temporary camp that can put them under the strict control of the Iraqi forces until they will have been sent out of the country completely. Unpredictable as a dangerous terrorist cult, the question is whether the dismantlement of MKO in Iraq and eviction of its stronghold will be an unchallenged task to accomplish?

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Member – Leader relationship within MKO cult

The internal relation in MKO/MEK/PMOI has been based on “ambition” and “obedience” as the two faces of same coin. The “ambitions” of leaders lead to “obedience” of members. Such a notorious relationship makes a horrifying network of terror and cult-like practices. .Long term membership in such a cult paralyzes logic and common sense of individuals and paves the way for manipulative practices …member becomes an automatic machine which works under the leader’s order. Thus they are always prepared to be sent for suicide operations.

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Human Rights in MKO’s Ideology – Part 3

While she claims that any type of force or impose on women for their family life is forbidden, Maryam Rajavi imposes the most serious forced separations on MKO families especially on those women who were in love with their husbands and had lived with them for a lot of years..

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Human Rights in MKO’s Ideology – Part 2

Do you know any woman in Ashraf, who is allowed to remove her scarf? Do you know any woman in Ashraf who is free to wear clothes other than military uniform assigned by the organization to wear?Do you know any woman in Ashraf to believe in any religion or ideology except the ones that Rajavis dictate?Do you know any individual in the entire cult of Rajavi who is allowed to do any job except the one that the leaders assign? Do you know anybody (either male or female) who is allowed to complain about the plan or job he or she is assigned ..

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Maryam Rajavi and her so-called human rights

When in November 2009, along with her propaganda campaign she goes to Norway Parliament, again she repeats her pro-democratic slogans using gestures of a human right defender; what kind of freedom does she believe in?!..Exactly on the same month, on Nov.28th,2009 while a group of former members of MKO are holding a protest demonstration in Cergy, France, to protest against the presence of Maryam Rajavi in that country, the agents of the destructive cult of Rajavi attack the protesters, hitting them on the face and eyes. The physical clashes end when the police intervene

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