Rajavis and Cult Leadership

Rajavi; the operations have higher potentialities to utilize

(An interview with Batool Soltani on MKO self-immolations – Part seventeen)..The achievements were specifically summed up by Rajavi in one of his messages addressed to the members of the Leadership Council. One significant point to mention here is that Rajavi critically evaluated self-immolations as ‘dilly-dally’ meaning that the members had dwindled in June 17 self-burnings which had diminished the expected resultant outcomes.The first resultant he stated to be the French police’s pullback. But I think he meant recession of the whole judiciary of France.

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Hunger Strike: Idiot Behavior or Negative Reaction

Imposing hunger strike on Ashraf residents is a reality. It is a being which is now showing off in Camp Ashraf but it is not a truth..In fact, Rajavi believed that terrorist acts should be led in MEK manner under its coherent organizational system, and then the objectives would be better achieved.. During the meeting he tried to combine the violent acts of Usama Bin Laden with MEK’s[MKO/PMOI] terrorist trends, to conclude his own plan..

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Rajavi; you were derelict in performance of your duty to save Maryam

(An interview with Batool Soltani on MKO self-immolations – Part sixteen)….. I was in England for four years and Neda’s family were also there. There was no connection between the organization and the family in all these years and it all happened unexpectedly. Following Neda’s self-burning, the organization exerted much energy to establish close contact with her family and have control over it to persuade it act in behalf of the organization before the camera. …

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The manipulated approach to spur immolations

(An interview with Batool Soltani on MKO self-immolations – Part fifteen)… Some are really nasty with repulsive behavior; they may even pass over their most beloved to prove their loyalty and commitment. These are the main actors of the case we are talking aboutand, consequently, the lower ranks are mostly impressed by the ideas they impregnate them with….I have no doubt that in Paris’s immolations seven or eight seniors like Mozhgan had rushed to set themselves on fire. These are professional starters

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Ms. Nuri Letter to her daughter, Ashraf resident

Why has Maryam Rajavi gathered high ranking members in Ouver-Sur-d’Oise and doesn’t send them to Ashraf to confront Iraqi forces? Why should always the rank and file members be victimized for the leaders? For what reason and based on which logic?Your daughter just wants you. She asks me about you and his father every time she sees me. She asks me about the time you may return to visit her. And I have no answer for none of her questions.

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Rajavi, self-immolations forces French authorities to withdraw

(An interview with Batool Soltani on MKO self-immolations – Part fourteen).. … The immolations were the sole option to overcome the crisis, call it a reaction against violation of Maryam’s sanctity or anything else. What the organization needed at that critical moment was to strip members of their capacity for rational activity because it could not preach for them about the legal adverse consequences of Maryam’s apprehension …

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The fall of Ashraf: Collapse of Rajavi’s strategy

Liberation Army and Camp Ashraf were introduced by Rajavi as the symbols of the new strategy. Considering that Rajavi was always seeking for manipulating the members’ minds, labeled all his acts as ideological; he claimed himself as ideological leader; his so called Liberation Army was also the ideological aspect of his strategy..The last step of Iraqi government to inform Rajavi that he can’t stay in Iraq any more, was the takeover of Iraqi security by Iraqi forces but Rajavi still forces his members to maintain Camp

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Rajavi’s interpretation of the holy and foul suicide

An interview with Batool Soltani on MKO self-immolations – Part thirteen)- some of these suicides were committed just following these meetings like the suicide done by Mehri Moussavi ..the significance was his skill in presenting examples .., the presented standards and motivations, which the ranking members were well aware of, behind these suicides could well help to identify whether it was esteemed a holy suicide for the cause of the leaderand interests of the organization or despised a sinful suicide for individual weaknesses ..

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Rajavi’s passion for women and his ambition for leadership

(Memoirs of Ms. Batoul Soltani – Final Part)..Rajavi believes that a woman works more obediently than a man. He thinks that when he orders a man to do a job, he may ask why, but a woman never asks questions about the demands, she would immediately execute the order. And that’s exactly what Rajavi wants. This is the potential that he cannot see in his male members. What matters to him is that who the best to achieve his goals is.

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MKO former member open letter to Vidal-Quadras

I am responding to your recent speeches in the European Parliament..Do you have any idea what your Rajavi has done to us? The beatings, humiliation, swearing and constant mental pressure aimed at anyone who wants to leave, or even to say anything critical of what Rajavi has ever said. Where you then? Why has no one asked any international human rights organization to come and visit Ashraf independently?

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