Rajavis and Cult Leadership

Maryam Rajavi is a Slaughterer of Democracy

..the violent assault on MR. MOHAMMMAD HOSSEIN SOBHANI, in CITY of Koln, in Germany which happened few days ago.I was asking myself why they assaulted him. As far as I know he had spent many years of his life in that notorious cult, called PMOI/MKO/MEK. Long time ago, He decided to separate from that cult and start over his normal life in Germany as a free man… Maryam Rajavi orders her followers to assault on innocent people who stopped following her and her husband’s ideology and shamelessly she says nothing as if nothing has happened.

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Open letter of Mohammad Sobhani to Maryam Rajavi

About the attacks against him by the terrorists and henchmen of the Mojahedin Khalq Cult in Cologne, Germany ..I was walking down a street in Cologne, Germany, where I reside, when one of your henchmen – or rather a victim of your cult – started swearing at me and physically attacking me. ..I tried my best to keep calm and remind myself that the henchman you have sent is himself a victim of your cult. I managed to stop myself from giving any reaction to your terrorist agent who had been sent by you to Germany.

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MARYAM AZDANLO leads a very dangerous cult

MARYAM RAJAVI sees her cultic survival in the remaining of the obscure and notorious ASHRAF GARRISON with all those men and women captives in it. She is a very cruel tyrant, because she wants to keep all those men and women captive in that garrison just because she wants to keep the cult and the cultic ideology alive, why?

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Germany will not take in MKO members

A German official says the Berlin government will not house members of the terrorist Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/PMOI/MEK) currently based in Iraq. “No MKO member in Camp Ashraf is awarded with German residency. There are currently no plans to receive members of the group in Germany,” the German Foreign Ministry spokesperson

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People’s court; Rajavi’s favored form of impeachment

Masoud Rajavi as the ideological leader of Mojahedin has been reminded of his past ideas calling international bodies and his audience to form people’s courts under the title of trial and retaliation in less than one month after the removal of MKO from the EU terrorist list. Furthermore, Maryam Azdanlu, the false pro-democratic leader of MKO/PMOI/MEK in her recent speech on the 30th anniversary of Iranian anti-monarchy revolution uses the same words and expressions of Masoud Rajavi for threatening the global society

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Iranian dissidents in Iraq. Where will they all go?

Iranians in Iraq who fought against the Islamic Republic face a shaky future..“IT WAS one of the strangest places I’d ever seen,” says one of the few Farsi-speaking Westerners to have spent weeks in Camp Ashraf, 65km (40 miles) north-east of Baghdad, where some 3,400 Iranian dissidents are hunkered down and are now threatened with expulsion from Iraq, perhaps even back to Iran. It was “like a spiffy midsized town in Iran”, with parks, offices and buildings—but no children. It was “sterile, soulless and sad”.

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Information Control within MKO Cult

The primary step to control their environment is to monitor and control the information they get because if the members’ mind could get any new information, the world the cult leaders have created for them should be damaged…As a mind control cult, Mujahedin Khalq has a long history of information control over its members, according to the testimonies of most former members of MKO Cult..

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An Interview with Iraq’s National Security Advisor about Camp Ashraf

… Dr. Mowaffak al Rubaie: We have and will continue to treat the residents of Camp Ashraf humanely and in accordance with Iraqi law and international law and conventions. We will not initiate acts of violence against them. We do expect them to cooperate in our efforts to exercise our sovereignty according to the rule of law. Should they choose extremist acts such as self-immolation, it will be their decision which we would regret…

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Fighting back illegitimate claims

the organization seeks to force itself on Iraq as recognized refugees with granted rights far beyond those conventionally granted. However, the question is that is it actually possible to grant asylum to MKO members and is the Iraqi government forced under any convention to recognize the group as refugees?..the position takings of Masoud Rajavi and Maryam Azdanlu imply that their main concern is hardly asylum seeking

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Rajavi depicts truth at will

Evidently due to Rajavi’s illusionary ideas and megalomania that seems to be intensified after the fall of Saddam, he assumes a major role for Mojahedin in the future of the US-Iran conflict. Likewise, he even dares to tie global security with his decision makings. Doing so, he aims to deceive the public opinion and make the ground for the settlement of Mojahedin in camp Ashraf.

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