Rajavis and Cult Leadership

Rajavi:You shouldn’t get arrested alive

(Memoirs of Ms. Batul Soltani – Part 10)To convince the members to attempt self-immolations or suicide bombing operations, Masud visited them and had a party with them and clearly told them”You shouldn’t get arrested alive, in case of being arrested you have to kill yourselves immediately.”They falsified all religious Hadith (quotations of the Prophet), .Quran was interpreted in their own way to legitimize the suicide bombing attacks..Maryam was considered superior to a normal leader. Rajavi’s ambitions are to make Maryam a leader like Masud

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Great Expectations of a terrorist cult

Those familiar with the true nature of MKO are well aware of the fact that the terrorist cult can hardly back away from a four-decade long strategy of armed struggle. As noticed in Rajavi’s message of December 27, now after being removed from the EU terror list, Rajavi hopes its organization to be rearmed but legally this time.

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Imaginary invaders of Camp Ashraf

As it is the case with majority of cult leaders, they always try to warn against imaginary enemies that might be jeopardizing the life of people. In most cases they threaten to strongly react in the case of any alien invasion or government intervention…The western advocates of Rajavi should take necessary precautions not to pave the way for turning MKO into another al-Qaeda or Taliban as a terrible nightmare for the US and its allies

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Rajavi’s ideological purges

Instead of giving a convincing answer to the criticisms, Rajavi took a hostile stance and asserted that they were no longer MKO members while he had introduced them as the official representatives of the organization abroad a few weeks before. Finally, they published a book entitled “The process of separation” and therein they openly declared their separation from the organization and Rajavi.

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The intrusive tone of Rajavi’s message

… Rajavi quotes Mojgan Parsaee of the possibility of the occurrence of a cultic and human disaster, that is, a general “hunger strike to death”. In fact, it is a warning to Iraqi officials of an imminent war. He also refers to the decision of the EU and tries to use it as a proof on the legitimacy of MKO’s settlement in Iraq. Furthermore, he claims that the name of Mojahedin has never been in the terrorist list of the Security Council. It seems that he has forgotten …

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Deluded Masud Rajavi demands Iraq obey European law

The first sentence of Masoud Rajavi’s message in December, 27th on MKO’s removal from the EU terrorist list referred to his ecstasy of delight for excluding the possibility of Mojahedin’s expulsion from Iraq.He resorted to the point that since the EU has removed MKO from its terrorist list, terrorist accusations of MKO are no longer of any effect and Iraqi government cannot prevent their presence in Iraq due to their terrorist charges.

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Ethics defined by the cult of Mojahedin

One of the prevalent issues in studies on cultic relations of MKO is to determine to what extent the group acknowledges application of ethics in its internal as well as external relations. A review of the manifesto and publications of the organization and their ontological viewpoints indicate that MKO tend to equate ethics with their political feelings and ambitions

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Why is Rajavi holding onto Camp Ashraf?

Rajavi’s problems have their roots in his tying Mojahedin destiny to the existence of Camp Ashraf; however, it was so at a time when Saddam was the dictator leader of Iraq and as Rajavi repeatedly asserted in his meetings with Saddam and Iraqi officials, he was out-and-out hopeful to Saddam and their ideological and even family ties and relations. Upon entering Iraq, Rajavi called his settlement there a historical event paving the way for immediate overthrow of the Iranian government. Now, after 20 years he still insists on his never-achieved promise and idea that Iraqi soil is the sole solution for furthering his so-called liberating war.

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PMOI’s Intimidating leadership

To disagree with leadership is the same as disagreeing with God. The cult leaders will claim to have direct authority from God to control almost all aspects of your life..As Ann Singleton (former member of MEK/PMOI) writes in her book “ Saddam’s Private Army” ,Masud Rajavi “ implied in his speeches that if such a leader has done his job well enough, then he starts a relationship with Imam Zaman ( the last and still awaited Imam in Shiite Islam) and therefore has direct contact with God.”

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