Rajavis and Cult Leadership

Interpol Hunts The Rajavis

Iraqi newspaper al-Bayyinah al-Jadidah wrote:”The Organization for Protection of Iraqis’ Rights”asked the Iraqi government to bring the leaders of terrorist MKO to justice. Stressing the fact that terrorist MKO had been involved in killing more than 780 Iraqi citizens, the organization also asked the families of the victims to file a complain in special court.”

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Mojahedin’s Mannerism against Opponents and Defectors

NCR was a turning point in the history of MKO that promised a peaceful coexistence of Mojahedin with other political movements. Unfortunately, after a short while and due to MKO hegemonic ambitions of Rajavi, the NCR failed to preserve its coherence and suffered a crushing dissolution. A brief look at the course of events of MKO up to 20 June 1981 and its continuous friction with other political movements …

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Internal Relations of MKO and Ideological Revolution (5)

It announces that the organization has always provided an open window for dissident members, critics, and even infiltrators to express their views and is showing the highest degree of tolerance compared with other revolutionary organizations. On the contrary, most former MKO members report instances of human rights abuses in organization.

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The Leadership Hegemony after the Ideological Revolution (2)

the possibility of deviation of democratic centralism was a taken for granted issue and the separation of members did not necessarily led to a state of passivity and the cease of struggle, rather the separated members were obliged to continue the line of struggle and to unmask the deviants. Taking the possibility into consideration, the process of fighting against deviation of democratic centralism was thus phased

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The Leadership Hegemony after the Ideological Revolution (1)

the term ‘leadership’ in the context of ideological revolution would be defined and compared to the statements made by MKO’s ex-members concerning anti-democratic nature of Rajavi’s personal leadership and its role in the strategic failures of organization. As such, three relative topics will be discussed: leadership in MKO, leadership in ideological revolution, and the reasons of the ex-members’ opposition to hegemonic and ideological leadership of Rajavi.

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On MKO Terrorists’ Message of Condolence

It was so surprising to learn, as claimed by Mojahedin, that a man among the first leading specialists and scholars in the United States had risen in defense of a terrorist group blacklisted by the US State Department notwithstanding he had mentioned the group as the source of bringing the Iranian nuclear program to light.

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The leader is regarded as the supreme authority. He or she may delegate certain power to a few subordinates for the purpose of seeing that members adhere to the leader’s wishes and roles. There is no appeal outside of his or her system to greater systems of justice. For example, if a school teacher feels unjustly treated by a principal, appeals can be made.

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West Serves Iran Against the MKO

Maryam Rajavi, who failed to meet Norwegian officials and sufficed to visiting a handful of parliament members, expressed her real pain as being discredited in the West and Western countries’ apathy about her gang.”Unfortunately, mullahs have taken advantage of the policy of compromising to use the West in order to restrict the main threat for their regime, namely the Iranian Resistance…

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A Look at the Report of Gates-Brzezinski

Two years ago in the summer, beside then the National Security Advisor of the White House, he headed a group that sought opening dialogue with Iran. Part of this group’s report said that lack of relationship with Iran and lack of presence in this country for a long time would deeply hurt US’s understanding of domestic and regional developments. This, in turn, restricts Washington’s influence in the Middle East; there’s no need to wait for full coordination between the two countries before starting the dialogue.”

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Playing with Blood Begins

Representatives of this terrorist group have repeatedly asked these organizations to find illegal political ways for the group’s staying in Iraq and obey US forces!In fact, they want these organizations to help the group keep dissident members, which is a very inhuman act.The meaning of Maryam Rajavi’s recent stance, backed by a number of mercenary lawyers, is that”the MKO will not submit to legal decisions for the expulsion of the group and that if any decision is made against them, each and every MKO member will be forced to set himself on fire or commit suicide.

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