The MEK as Saddam’s private army

Silence over Master’s Death Sentence

His crimes against humanity exceeded the 1982 killing of 148 Shiites in the city of Dujail for which he received the sentence. Besides of his many evident instances of human-slaughters and bloodbaths, he was openly sponsoring terrorism. He had turned the soil of Iraq into a fertile land for the seeds of terrorism to germinate and MKO was really a favorite.

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MKO Team Meets Iraq Terrorists

According to the reports of an Iraqi source, the discussions were focused on the interference of these elements to prevent the expulsion of MKO from Iraq and the armed protection of MKO members restricted to Camp Ashraf.This team also carried new guidelines for the Gestapo of Ashraf, which were delivered outside the usual communication channels of the group.

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Iraq will not tolerate terrorist Mojahedin Khalq

Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki said that from the beginning Iran accepted the new situation in Iraq and established political ties with it, and “this is laudable“.In an interview with the international Jaam-e Jam TV Network, Maliki added that these are important steps and Iraqi politicians must praise Iran’s standpoint, because these steps can help establish strong and sound bilateral bonds, IRNA reported.

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Saddam Trial for Anfal Massacre Resumes

Al-Ittihad newspaper earlier quorted PUK officials announcing that they had found audio tapes of chemical Ali, in which he orders the MKO to attack Iraqi citizens. There’s no doubt that the issue of MKO crimes against the Kurds will be discussed in this court.

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Saddam Paid MKO’s Costs

“Saddam’s regime allocated 50% of its budget to propaganda and had ties with many Arab and non-Arab terrorist groups; for instance, it had established close ties with the MKO (Mojahedin-e Khalq organization) and in return, took advantage of this group. There’s no doubt that Saddam’s propaganda had a huge impact on many countries including Arab nations, particularly those countries with higher rates of illiteracy and poverty (such as Mauritania, Yemen, and Somalia).”

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A Revolutionary Diplomacy; the Costs and Achievements

Massoud Rajavi’s meeting with Iraq’s Foreign Minister, Tariq Aziz, on 9 January 1983 in France would develop into a strategic alliance entwining the destiny of both Mojahedi Khalq and Saddam together. The meeting opened a new chapter in Mojahedin’s history. The meeting was in fact the product of accepting defeat in urban guerrilla warfare favored by Mojahedin as an effective tactic. Although Mojahedin had anticipated that the meeting would bring about inevitable consequences,…

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Chemical Ali Ordered MKO to Kill Kurds

Shahab Al-Ghare Losi writes:
“Ten audio tapes have been obtained from the house of Ali Hassan Al-Majid- known as Chemical Ali- on the operation of Anfal against Kurds and also on the suppression of 1991’s uprising. These tapes are about the meetings of Chemical Ali on the issue of Kurdistan.”In one of the tapes, dated April 15, 1988, Chemical Ali says:
“None of the villages should remain in this region until the next summer. We should transfer the people to townships and camps and control them….

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Saddam’s Trial and Evidences on His Accomplices

A rereading of Saddam’s crimes against the Iraqi Kurds will reveals facts on Mojahedin Khalq (MKO) whose hands are dabbled with the blood of the Kurds. As mercenaries of Saddam, in cases they have referred to their role in these crimes and have tried to make justifications over them. The coalition forces that attacked Iraq to end, as they state, Saddam’s rule of tyranny and free the nation have to be faithful in their claims and …

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