The MEK as Saddam’s private army


Through both his personal testimony and a ten minute video displayed during the press conference at the National Press Club earlier on Monday, Moni sought to highlight the MKO’s cooperation with Saddam Hussein and demanded that Massoud Rajavi, the leader of the MKO and his associates be tried for “their human rights violations.”…Moni claimed that “Saddam placed more trust in the MKO than his Iraqi army” during his campaigns against Iraqi Shiites and Kurds.

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Iraqi Kurds want Iranian opposition leader tried

The Kurds say they want Rajavi to be tried because of the role his organization played in their repression by the Hussein regime.
Mohammad Tofiq Rahim, an official with the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, said in an interview with Radio Farda that his organization has documentary evidence of Rajavi’s role.

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NCRI’s Role in Suppressing Iraqis

At the dawn of a day in early 1991, MKO members armed to the teeth, led by Fatima Tahoori (Zarrin), surrounded the Iraqi border city of Jelula. The town was still asleep when the commander (who was known in the organization as Barabbas for her brutality) broke the early morning silence with her orders. Rajavi forces, backed by Iraqi artillery which targeted Kurdish area, attacked the villages and towns.

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MKO dissidents demnands Rajavi be put on Trial

On the eve of the trial of the toppled Iraqi president Saddam Hussein, some former members of the Mojahedeen Khalq Organsation (MKO) aka PMOI demanded that the leader of the outlawed Organisation and some of his close associates be also tried for “crimes against both the Iraqi and Iranian peoples”.

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Saddam Hussein’s Links with International Terrorism

The toppled regime of Saddam Hussein actively supported international terrorism, and the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organisation, led by Massoud Rajavi, was at the top of the list of these terrorist organisations.
— The Mojahedin as part of Saddam’s military played a decisive role in the suppression of the internal uprisings in Iraq in 1991, and are responsible for the massacre of many Iraqi Shiites and Kurds who opposed Saddam.

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Press Conference

The trial of Saddam Hussein will start on Wednesday 19th of October 2005…..The Mojahedin as part of Saddam’s military played a decisive role in the suppression of the internal uprisings in Iraq in 1991, and are responsible for the massacre of many Iraqi Shiites and Kurds who opposed Saddam. The best documented of these being the massacre of the Kurds in their uprising in March 1991.

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Evidence Proves MKO Massacred Kurds

We were passing the Kurdish township of “Tuz” when we heard the ill-fated voice of Rajavi on radios. “Revolutionary guards and agents of Iranian regime in Kurdish clothes are going to attack MKO members, therefore kill them as soon as you see them” this was his message!Neither anyone nor I could have thought that there’s something else behind this event.

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Yesterday’s Allies, Today’s Traitors

…These traitors have blamed Saddam Hussein for the operation Al-Anfal and the massacre of 1991 and didn’t accept any responsibility for these crimes.Besides these people, some terrorist groups helped Saddam Hussein in these operations, the most important of which is the MKO (Mojahedin-e khalq). The MKO, an Iranian opposition group based in Iraq takes advantage of Iraq’s resources and is protected by Americans…

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MKO Leaders Must be Tried

…”Iraqi people are waiting for the trial of the leaders of this group in court of justice so that their real nature and face and their ties to Saddam’s regime are revealed.”…..Stressing the need to expel the elements of the MKO from Iraq, Al-Jomhooriah wrote:”Iraqi government and leaders must take necessary measures to root out remnants of Baath regime, including the Mojahedin-e khalq.”

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