Temporary Transit Location(Camp Liberty)

Gross abuses continue in Mujahedin Khalq Camp

Although the illegal multi-million dollar lobby of the group brought it about with some paid advocators, yet the MKO/MEK/PMOI making use of the human rights issues bear no fruit for the group and the things doesn’t go as the group leaders wishes. The human rights issue resulted in the opposite of what they longed for.

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MKO Members Fail to Escape Camp Liberty

The Iraqi physician wrote in his letter that these people have told him that they were forced by the MKO/MEK/PMOI ringleaders to go on hunger strike, and have given letters to the Iraqi medics to be submitted to human rights organizations in order inform the relevant authorities of vitally bad conditions.

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Open letter to Mrs. Jane Holl Lute

Mrs Holl Lute, breaking the cult-like and organizational barriers is the basis and fundamental prelude to the release, rescue and exit of those stranded and trapped members in Iraq. The PMOI leadership has robbed them of their ability to think for themselves and make decisions on their own behalf. Your interlocutors for the rescue …

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Open letter to Mrs. Dana M Popa, Romania

siimilar to the other european support-organizations, like the „Deutsch Solidaritätskommitee für einen freien Iran (DSFI)“, „The British Parliamentary Commitee for Iran Freedom“ – http://iran-freedom.org/ – or „Friends of a Free Iran“ in the European Parliament, the „Comitetul Parlamentarilor Romani Pentru Iranul Liber …

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