Temporary Transit Location(Camp Liberty)

Save Enslaved MKO Members

What the group needs at the present to fuel its propaganda machine for a full move is sacrifice. Where else can MKO/MEK/PMOI leaders find a better slaughter house than Camp Ashraf to make about 3000 martyrs? In fact, those lobbying to return members to Ashraf are building the altar for MKO to scarify poor insiders…

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109 Liberty residents moved to Albania

A total number of 109 MKO members transferred from Liberty Camp, Iraq to Tirana, The Albania Ministry of Interior Affairs announced, as reported by Aria Iran Association…The Albania Interior Ministry declared that since early July 2013 up to now, 38 liberty residents arrived safely in Tirana and resided in the Camp “Barbo”. These people departed, Iraq to “Rinas” airport in groups of 7, 14 and 17 people…

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Mujahedin-e Khalq Leaders Abusing Followers in Iraq

The MeK was a long-standing member of the US State Department’s list of terrorist organizations, but after heavy lobbying the group was dropped from the list last year…Accord to Kobler, the UN receives “hundreds” of reports every day about violations by MeK leaders against people inside Camp Hurriya, restricting their movement, forbidding them from contacting family members, and keeping them from leaving…

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U.N. envoy accuses Iran group’s leaders in Iraq of rights abuses

“Of increasing concern are the human rights abuses in Camp Hurriya itself by the camp leadership,”Kobler said.”Hundreds of daily monitoring reports suggest that the lives of Camp Hurriya members are tightly controlled.””A significant number of residents have reported to U.N. monitors that they are not free to leave the camp, to participate in the resettlement process…

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