Temporary Transit Location(Camp Liberty)

First Group of Camp Liberty Residents Arrives in Germany

The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq (SRSG), Mr. Martin Kobler, welcomed the relocation of a first group of seven Camp Liberty residents to Germany today.“These are the first of the approximately 100 residents Germany has agreed to accept for relocation,” Mr. Kobler said

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18 liberty residents fled the Cult of Rajavi

A number of these former MKO members who managed to run their planned escape, submitted themselves to Iraqi authorities. Some others used the opportunity to surrender to UNAMI and UNHCR officials who had come to visit the Camp. They forcefully got on UN vehicles patrolling in camp Liberty and sought refuge. Among MKO defectors, a high ranking interpreter…..

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UN Iraq rep urges exile cooperation

The United Nations envoy to Iraq said Wednesday that residents of an Iranian dissident camp are denied freedom of movement by the exile group, and that efforts to relocate them outside Iraq are being stymied in part by lack of cooperation from the residents themselves.

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Camp Liberty residents’ questions go unanswered

With reference to the sayings of Massoud Rajavi, one of the MEK officials said, “We lost our chance in the past election in 2009, if we lose our chance this time the overthrow of the regime will not be possible for another 8 years”. Apparently the cult had sent some sabotage teams into Iran who were arrested before they could do anything. In his internal …

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UNHCR welcomes Albanian offer to Hurriya residents

Guterres expressed gratitude to the Albanian government saying “This generous offer is a demonstration of international solidarity and burden sharing for a vulnerable population”. He strongly encouraged other”countries to follow Albania’s lead and offer solutions for the camp residents that enable them to relocate outside of Iraq”.

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A Third Window to Freedom

When Albanian Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, made the humanitarian offer to take about 210 members of MKO, many began to consider it a promising sign that could be the beginning of an end to the residents’ sufferings and the beginning to promote cooperation of other countries and to pave the way to take more refugees. The offer was at first rejected by the group’s leaders

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UN envoy welcomes relocation of Iranian exiles

Mr. Kobler said in addition to Albania, Germany has offered to relocate some 100 residents. The departure of the group from Iraq is in accordance with the memorandum of understanding of 25 December 2011, which foresees the relocation of the residents to third countries.

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US strongly supports Martin Kober’s efforts,

On June 19 and June 21, two groups of Camp Hurriya residents, 27 in total, were permanently relocated to Albania. This was the third of a series of movements..The United States strongly supports the work of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI), and the tireless efforts of the UN Special Representative…

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Albania accepts 71 MKO exiles from Iraq:UN

… “A total of 71 men and women now have safely arrived in Albania and have benefited from the government of Albania’s offer to accept 210 of the camp’s residents,” UN special envoy to Iraq Martin Kobler said in a statement. Kobler said that Germany had also offered to accept around 100 residents, and added that the deadly attack on Camp Liberty a week ago had “once …

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