Temporary Transit Location(Camp Liberty)

MKO Responsible for any Bloodshed

A brief look at MKO-run media implies that the world is concerned about the dire situation of the group’s members residing in the transit Liberty camp scheduled to be transferred out of Iraq to other third countries if they are accepted. As recently, there are also many statements circulated on the group’s pages from a variety of dignitaries from Western countries as well as organizations condemning mortar attacks against Camp Liberty

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Iraqi group claims responsibility for attack on MKO

In a statement, Wathiq al-Battat, a top member of Iraq’s Hezbollah movement, claimed the group was behind the mortar attack, Habilian Association reported on Sunday. It was the second attack on the remaining members of terrorist MKO in Iraq since February. The previous one took place in February 9, which led to a number of deaths and injuries. Al-Battat took responsibility …

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UN officials strongly condemn attack on camp liberty in Iraq

Martin Kobler and the country representative for the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Claire Bourgeois, said they are “deeply concerned that today’s tragic violence has occurred despite their repeated requests to the Government of Iraq to provide Camp Liberty and its residents with protective measures, including T-Walls

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Letter of Sahar Family Foundation to Martin Kobler

Dear Mr Kobler, Following your remarks that the MEK, which has 3400 members in Camp Liberty in Iraq, does not cooperate with the international bodies to solve the problem of relocating the residents to third countries, we decided to raise some issues and questions along with some propositions and demands. What follows might …

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MKO Members Escaping Camp Liberty

Members of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, also known as the MEK, PMOI and NCRI) are running away from the group’s transient settlement facility, Camp Liberty, before they are sent by their leaders to other countries, an informed source disclosed on Saturday.

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Martin Kobler briefed Foreign Affairs committee of the European Parliament

Mr. Kobler also briefed AFET on UNAMI’s efforts to resettle the former residents of Camp Ashraf to third countries. He deplored the lack of cooperation of the residents and of their leadership with the UNHCR and UN monitors, and urged them to accept concrete resettlement offers. Stressing that “resettlement to safe countries is the only durable option”, he called again on …

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Hassan Shaabani escaped camp Liberty

Mr. Hassan Shaabani, another dissident member of the Mujahedin –e Khalq Organization managed to flee Camp Liberty (Temporary Transit Location). Following the evacuation of camp Ashraf and transfer of MKO members to the Camp Liberty

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Four Liberty residents leave the MKO

Four former residents of camp Ashraf who were held in Camp Liberty near Baghdad could manage to leave the Mujahedin Khalq Organization although the organizational pressure including brainwashing and self-criticism sessions are practiced in a much larger and more severe scale.

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U.S. plans to move Iranian exile group out of Iraq hit snag

a State Department official told Congress on Wednesday that the group’s[MKO/MEK/PMOI] leadership was not cooperating in the departures, despite the risks to the members’ lives in Iraq.Beth Jones, acting assistant secretary of state for Near East Affairs, told a House foreign Affairs subcommittee that although U.S. officials have worked hard to persuade the group’s leadership to cooperate in the departures,”very few have been allowed to move.”

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