Temporary Transit Location(Camp Liberty)

Has the final resettlement to third countries started?

In these meetings Rajavi clearly stated: “as your spiritual leader I vow that the blood of anyone trying to leave us must be shed”. Then Rajavi pointed out that there is no sin worse than leaving his cult and the person who does so must be most severely punished. This should be noted with all seriousness by the western countries ….

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Who deceives the US? Martin Kobler or the MKO?

After the departure of the 14 Ashraf residents, the United States again expressed “its appreciation to the Government of Albania…Heated with the Press Statement of the US Department of State, the MKO propaganda arm, the NCRI accused Martin Kobler of deceiving the DOS. The NCR website also blame the Department that….

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UN: 14 Iranian Exiles Moved From Iraq To Albania

Albanian Interior Minister Flamur Noka pledged to quickly complete arrangements to resettle the 14. He told The Associated Press that they [MEK/MKO/PMOI members] will get the refugee status immediately and then receive residence permits and proper documentation.”They will be treated like every other Albanian citizen,”he said, though”for the moment they will have the status of the refugee,”meaning…

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Congress Debates MEK with Obama Officials

“There are opportunities for the people of Camp Liberty to resettle. There have been offers made by countries like Albania to take many of them,” she said. “And to be very frank Congressman, the leadership of the MEK, both in Camp Liberty and in Paris, have kept the people of Camp Liberty from knowing what their options are. And I so care about their lives …

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U.S. asks leaders of MEK to give unfettered access to UNHR monitors

It is the responsibility of the MEK leadership to facilitate for the residents of Camp Hurriya free and unfettered access to UN human rights monitors.The United States reiterates its strong support for the efforts of UNHCR, the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), and the Special Representative of the Secretary General Martin Kobler …

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Review of the situation of the inhabitants of Camp Liberty

Lately we received reports that Massoud Rajavi, despite his bravado, has lost control over a considerable part of his forces. He has clearly emphasized in his internal audio-conference with the inhabitants of Camp Liberty that he would not allow anyone to leave Iraq. So far he has blocked all possibilities of moving to third countries and …

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Shir Ahmad Rouzrokh Fled Camp Liberty

Another resident of Temporary Transit Location (Camp Liberty) left the Mojahedin Khalq Organization in the early days of Iranian New Year. Mr. Shir Ahamd Rouzrokh escaped TTL after 25 years of imprisonment in the Cult of Rajavi.Having heard the news of his defectors, the family of Mr. Rouzrokh…

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Rockets hit Mojahedin Khalq camp near Baghdad

Rockets have hit a camp housing members of anti-Iran terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) near the Iraqi capital, Baghdad. At least 20 rockets landed at the camp, known as Camp Liberty, reports say, adding some of the rockets hit water canals. There were no reports of casualties …

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A Second Attack on Camp Liberty

… The suffering, enslaved insiders of MKO have always been the frontline victims and their families, pressing effortlessly to rescue them, have repeatedly declared that Iraq is not a safe place for their children and relatives to stay. From the very day the first group of members arrived at Liberty, the leaders began a widespread campaign …

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Germany to exercise caution before accepting Mojahedin

… are those who had formerly acquired status as asylum seekers or refugees during a previous stay in Germany. A Ministry spokesman said in Berlin on Friday … To make their recognition as a refugee or asylum status more effective, an additional requirement is that their identity is clarified. This would also apparently reduce any security concerns over their entry. The People’s Mojahedin Organization is a militant Iranian opposition movement …

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