Temporary Transit Location(Camp Liberty)

Belgium to host MKO members

Belgium Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs announced the country’s readiness to accept those members of MEK who are willing to leave Camp Liberty, Ashraf News quoted a source close to the Iraq’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs…

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UN urge protection, durable solution for residents of transit camp Liberty

At a meeting in Geneva today, the High Commissioner for Refugees, António Guterres, and the Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Iraq, Martin Kobler, discussed the process of resettling the residents of the camp to third countries and voiced their concern about their safety and security. “After the despicable attacks on Camp Liberty on 9 February, it is particularly important that we redouble our efforts to resettle the residents and find durable solutions for them outside Iraq as quickly as possible,” said Mr. Kobler…

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Mukhtar Army lying in ambush for MKO

Blaming MKO/MEK/PMOI for involvement in the recent political instability in Iraq, head of a newly established militant group in Iraq took responsibility for the February 9 mortar attack on Camp Liberty, which temporarily houses some 3000 members of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq organization….

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A campaign that Rajavi does not like

It is mentioned in the declaration of the campaign, “We call upon the United Nations and other responsible organizations for the immediate safe transfer of these defenseless political asylums before anymore future attacks.” Despite the humanitarian nature of the campaign, Rajavi organization has mobilized its member and supporters to accuse founders and members of the campaign to be agents of Islamic Republic of Iran. One of the founders of the campaign, Mrs. Atefeh Eghbal, is a former high ranking MEK …

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Iraq wants rehabilitated Iran ‘terror group’ out

Almost all PMOI members in Iraq have moved to Camp Liberty from Camp Ashraf, the last of their bases, as part of a UN-backed process that aims to see them resettled outside the country. But after this month’s attack, the PMOI complained about the slow pace of the process, which has dragged on as few countries have come forward with concrete offers of resettlement.

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Investigate the MEK and its critics

The only person preventing the residents in Camp Liberty from leaving and taking refuge in a safe place is the leader of the MEK, Massoud Rajavi. He is therefore the only person who can answer this question. Only he can explain to all the suffering families why their loved ones are still in the path of danger. Why, after ten years, they are still unable to walk freely from the camp and continue their lives in freedom and safety…

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Inhabitants of Liberty do not enjoy the minimum of security

Urgent call – … The truth is that Liberty is much smaller than Ashraf and Rajavi’s cultic apartheid cannot be enforced in it so easily; gossip spreads quicker amongst the people and therefore cultic control is much harder. What has no place in Rajavi’s scheming is the life of the members of his cult and he even prefers to have more casualties for using in his propaganda campaign. It must be mentioned that returning to Ashraf …

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MKO losing the opportunity to run its new plot

A few hours after the Liberty attack, the MKO websites launched large-scale propaganda over the issue. They held an event where a number of their supporters including Howard Dean, Patrick Kennedy, and Strauan Stevenson, spoke on behalf of the group’s recently taken agenda; they all called for residents’ return to Camp Ashraf…

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