Temporary Transit Location(Camp Liberty)

Idolizing the Dead, MKO’s Survival Desideratum

Blood, shed from its own members or those in opposite front, builds the cornerstone of MKO. The Rajavis, the husband-wife leaders of the group, are of the opinion that the rightness of any ideology is maintained by the number of its casualties and martyrs; included in their political and ideological framework, the life and death of man is so simple an issue like drinking water. Ask any defected member and they would promptly enumerate plain examples of the glorification of violence and death-seeking attitude within the organization,..

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France supports transferring MKO members outside Iraq

France expressed support over transferring members of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization outside Iraq, underlining its readiness to take part in coordination with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)…French Foreign Ministry Spokesman Philippe Lalliot as saying that his country supports the UN plan to move the MKO to a third country.

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MKO’s Return to Camp Ashraf IMPOSSIBLE

A senior Iraqi lawmaker said that the recent rocket attack on the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization transient settlement in Camp Liberty was a move to convince Iraq to allow the MKO/MEK/PMOI to return to Camp Ashraf, but such actions are futile the group’s return to its main training camp is impossible.

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Iran Denies Link with Rocket Attack on Liberty

Speaking to reporters here in Tehran today, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehman-Parast said that the attack was carried out inside Iraqi soil and”Iran has nothing to do with it”. He said that the move is part of the MKO’s efforts to portray itself as an oppressed community …

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Six Killed in Shelling of Iranian Refugee Camp in Iraq

Ali al-Moussawi, an Iraqi government spokesman, denied that Baghdad was involved, saying the accusation from the M.E.K. “is not the first time when they blame us for everything.”The United Nations demanded that the Iraqi government open an investigation, saying in a statement that Martin Kobler, the United Nations special representative for Iraq, “called on the Iraqi authorities to immediately ensure medical care…

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The Attacks that Promote MKO Cause

Regardless of all these accusations and who the real directors of the attacks might be, MKO/MEK/PMOI is the side that best benefits from the bloodshed. In fact, the leaders are not at all looking for the responsible to accuse; whoever they are, they have served MKO in the best way to deserve its thanks. It makes no difference for Rajavi who is sacrificed from which side; the emphasis is on the applied brutality to claim victims. And for MKO, the more victims the better.

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UNHCR Chief Guterres strongly condemns attack on Liberty

..I strongly condemn this attack,”Mr. Guterres said, noting that the residents of Camp Liberty are asylum seekers undergoing the refugee status determination process and thus entitled to international protection.”This is a despicable act of violence.””I call on the Iraqi Government to do everything it can to guarantee security to the residents,”he said.”The perpetrators must be found and brought to justice without delay,”…

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UN chief condemns attack on MKO camp

The camp serves as a transit facility for more than 3,000 exiles, most of them members of a group known as the People’s Mojahedeen of Iran, where a process to determine their refugee status is being carried out by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Camp residents were previously situated at Camp Ashraf in eastern Iraq, but were relocated last year, in line with an agreement…

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