Temporary Transit Location(Camp Liberty)

Defections on the rise, the MKO in decline

Three of the recently defected members are from one family: Arzin Dialeh, the father…Nasrollah Tokhm Afshan was the fourth person who fled the Cult of Rajavi[MKO/MEK/PMOI] last week. He was a high-ranking official of the group, according to FNA report. Tokhm Afshan succeeded to pass numerous security obstacles of the cult after several years of dissent…

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U.N. chief appeals for countries to take MKO members

Ban said so far only 31 people[MKO/MEK/PMOI] had been accepted by other countries and that it was now a matter of urgency that they be offered resettlement opportunities in other countries.”Without the strong commitment of member states to accept former residents of Camp New Iraq, no sustainable solution can be achieved,”Ban said …

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MEK has turned Camp Liberty into a prison

She adds that MEK/MKO/PMOI leaders have ordered a kind of separation and segregation. Every 3-4 residential building in the camp are set for a group of members and they have to spend their time inside the isolated section.”They are using some sort of curtains to cover each section. People have to stay inside this area even for eating. So the only things they can see are a few others and the sky.”

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MKO, a Cult Rebuilt in a New Bastion

the story of MKO aka MEK/PMOI is a never-ending one since it has been mostly dealt with as a terrorist group rather than a cult and that is where the problem fails to be circumvented. Although now de-listed as a terrorist group for certain political causes, MKO preserves its formidable reputation as a dangerous cult of personality run by the husband-wife Rajavies. In contrast to the speculations that the relocation of the insiders would lead to diminish the imposed cultic practices, the current situation and condition of the insiders in TTL uncovers intensified instances of tough cultic practices even in the absence of the chief leaders …

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Camp Liberty resembles a prison?

In her recent act of disinformation, Maryam Rajavi addressed Estonian Parliament calling for support for the so called resistance of the Iranian people (!) against Islamic Republic. She dares to represent herself as Iranians’ attorney, while she doesn’t comply with the most basic human rights within her own camps either in Iraq or France. ..

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MKO members fate as the victims continue to remain unsolved

And MKO was removed from the list. But did it change the fate of Ashraf and Liberty’s residents to be sent and resettled in other countries? Absolutely not. The residents are now placed in a humanitarian plight that can be condemned as inhumane and practiced only in cultic settlements. And of course, the brag and show of those meetings in which American advocates lauded delisting of MKO …

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Majid Mohammadi speaks of cult-like practices at TTL

I mean that the organizational control and cult-like practices exercised by the Rajavis, at Camp Liberty was worse than those applied at Camp Ashraf. MKO leaders knew that Liberty is not like Ashraf. It’s not an isolated, closed location with no access to the outside world so they enhanced the organizational control in Liberty to prevent defection and eventually the collapse of the cult.

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Rajavi cult victim set himself alight in Camp Liberty

..man named Shahram Mohseni set fire to himself in protest at dawn today (Sunday), adding that although Mohseni suffered serious burns to his legs and back it had been possible to save his life. Officials at Camp Liberty report that many MEK/MKO/PMOI members are suffering from mental illness because of the pressures they have been under for the past three decades. ..

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MeK Efforts to chain members in Liberty

According to the MeK aka MKO/PMOI leadership, declaration of Liberty as a refugee camp would provide their long-term presence in Iraq and they would have a chance to discourage the UNHCR officials in perusing file of transfer the group members out of this country.

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Will the victims of MKO Cult be forgotten?

The US State Department has recently come to the conclusion that the MEK is no longer a terrorist organization. The reason given is that the group has apparently not committed any terrorist act for more than a decade and has seemingly abandoned the use of violence to reach its political goals. The question this raises is, according to the US administration and the US judicial system, how many years are needed to consider the crimes of a terrorist group whitewashed? ..

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