Temporary Transit Location(Camp Liberty)

Facebook account for liberty residents! An outrageous lie

Families of the residents of Camp Liberty who had picketed behind the gate of the Camp probing the visit of their loved, did not succeed to meet them during the due time that they were allowed to picket by the UN officials. The leaders of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO) claim that all Liberty residents have Facebook accounts with real IDs

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Mojtaba Bidaqi fled Camp Liberty

He was first recruited by the MKO/MEK/PMOI recruiters in Turkey in 1984 when he had gone there to find job. He was trapped by the MKO agents and were sent to Camp Ashraf where he was brainwashed under the cult structure for 31 years.Mojtaba’s brother, Amir was also recruited by the MKO. Last year he defected from the group after he was relocated in Albania.

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Rajavi panic families picketing at Camp Liberty!

On June 9th, 2015 several family members of Mujahedin-e Khalq aka MEK/MKO/PMOI hostages – who are kept in Camp Liberty, Iraq having no access to the outside world and under the severe brainwashing practices – established a permanent stake in front of the Camp entrance. The families’ only demand is to meet their beloved ones whom they have not visited for long years.

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A group of 15 Liberty residents fly to Albania

The group consists of 15 Liberty residents. The Cult leaders have assigned Ms. Habibeh Thavali as their commandant who is supposed to monitor them in order not to defect the Cult.The government of Albania that had received 210 MKO/MEK/PMOI members in 2013, accepted to receive another 210 individuals under the request of the US government.

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