The Threat of Cults

Albania: Mojahedin Khalq (Rajavi cult) using slave labour to profit from business

Local observers in Tirana are reporting that the Mojahedin Khalq cultic terror group (MEK) is buying and creating several sandwich and kebab shops in the city and is using the MEK /MKO/PMOI members to work in these fast-food businesses. On the surface this may look like a positive move. In an article titled ‘Albania: What would a de-radicalization program for the Mojahedin Khalq involve’, it was …

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MKO, the ending stage of the radicalization process

Under the severe manipulation system of the Cult of Rajavi, most members are likely to have gone all the way to become a violent extremist. For this reason, you may not be surprised to see a dozen of the group members commit self-immolation following the arrest of their leader Maryam Rajavi by the French Police in 2003.The world community particularly the United Nations ….

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Albania: What would a de-radicalization program for the Mojahedin Khalq involve

In spite of American promises, no de-radicalisation programme is in place to deal with over 2500 members of the Mojahedin Khalq terrorist group who have relocated to Tirana from Iraq. The MEK/MKO/PMOI has a long history of violent and criminal activity. This has not stopped now they are in Tirana. Unless the Albanian government introduces its own programme, it must accept …

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Albania: Radicalized MEK member convicted for attempted rape of 11-year-old boy

An Iranian man, Mousa Jaberifard, was sentenced to three years in prison by the Court of Tirana, Albania after being convicted for the offense of sexual harassment and attempted rape of a minor. He was arrested in March this year after the parents of an 11-year-old boy called the police. Jaberifard arrived in Albania in 2014 as one of the Mojahedin Khalq/MKO/MEK members from Iraq. A local family became friends with him. The family’s 11-year-old son told police …

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Albanian citizens fearful of radicalised Mojahedin Khalq neighbours deserve more information

For the local citizens, mystery surrounds their arrival and their lifestyle. Should these secretive and covert neighbours be treated with suspicion or kindness? At a local level, the first thing neighbouring families need to be aware of is that among all MEK/MKO/PMOI members, sexual relations have been banned for over 25 years. This means there are no marriages or children or young people in the organisation. More troubling …

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More wanted MKO terrorists fly to Albania

These two groups included several high-ranking members of the group[MKO/MEK/PMOI] who are notoriously known for their inhuman attitude against low-ranking members taken as hostages in the cult. These folks have been under the arrest warrant issued by Iraqi government..Some 600 rank and file members of the MKO group who are taken as hostages by the Cult…

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Dialogue with the MKO, a Destructive Policy

While the Chiclot Report has presented a range of evidence that demonstrates that Britain was misled by Tony Blair in the run up to the war in Iraq a British Parliamentary Committee urge UK to condemn what it calls “Tehran’s efforts” against the MKO/MEK/PMOI in Europe!

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Children who belong to Massoud Rajavi

No matter why and how they joined the MKO/MEK/PMOI, they are now kept under a severe mind control system that indoctrinates them to forget their family, friends and normal life. According to the Daily mail, both British families who are now campaigning to release their daughters from cult abuse, have not seen their loved daughters for a few years…

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