The Threat of Cults

Brainwashing: Crime against Humanity

..he has been studying about cults and their common techniques of thought reforms since he left the organisation in 2003 and returned to Iran. He went into details of the process used by the MKO and many other cults to manipulate their members using psychological methods in order to recruit, preserve and control their followers.

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Inconspicuous Affinity between Al-Qaeda and MKO

these outdated and despised teachings attracts no attention today, but at least in two or three past decades they worked as applicable revolutionary approaches especially for the third world revolutionaries. Following the same line, Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization from its very formation in four decades ago adopted militia warfare as the doctrine of its struggle

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Iran will be the first to benefit from peace and security in Iraq.

We have some information, and some indication, that contrary to what the Americans claim, there has been some contact with some terrorist groups. This is why I talked about good will at the beginning. One of the bad policies of the United States is this double standard towards terrorism, to divide terrorists into good and bad terrorists. This is the source of so many problems.

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The Emergence of a Second Al-Qaeda

Now, nearly after six years after the world has unanimously approved the decisive combat against terrorism and it is legally put into practice in many countries, certain terrorist groups, especially those on the world’s terror lists, are jeopardizing people’s security where the chaos is at zenith under the pretext of war against terrorism. Furthermore, not only we see no instances of a terrorist group being uprooted but we hear news of the new ones emerging.

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Let’s know a religious cult

He has spent 20 years of his life as a Mujahedin member: he thinks that he had wasted those years, thus he wants to warn the others on this organization. He was the member of the political wing of the organization and was based in London. His main duty was to contact British parliamentarians. The organization put priority on these sort of actions and Ibrahim knows well how important, for MKO, the propaganda is

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The Long History of British and American Covert Provocation and Action in Iran

But Americans, and indeed much of the rest of the world, continue to be lulled into a false sense of complacency by the fact that overt conventional military operations have not yet commenced between the United States and Iran. As such, many hold out the false hope that an extension of the current insanity in Iraq can be postponed or prevented in the case of Iran. But this is a fool’s dream.

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Mojahedin Cult Displaying Tip of an Iceberg

Rarely the public knew about their malign past when their bullets and bombs perished many innocent Iranians and personalities in power struggle attempts. And the guardians of the Western societies, well aware of the group’s past but kipping silent for political causes, were certain they could leash the terrorists to keep them calm and under the surveillance in their country. But a fact had remained unnoticed;

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Women Lured by Mojahedin-e Khalq, the Religious Cult

the Mojahedin cult’s leaders Massoud and Maryam Rajavi are deceptive, exploitive masters of mind control who can weave pernicious spells capable of holding followers in thrall for decades, especially the women…Some former women members describe being forced into marrying men that they did not know. Then, in 1990 the leader of the MEK cult ordered all the members to divorce. This meant that all the married couples in the MEK must divorce without any question or protest.

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To the care of Royal Canadian Mounted Police

As Human Right advocacy group it is our foremost duty to question and challenge any system/individual that violates the fundamentals of the charter that we all believe in. In the past few month we were working on behalf of a Canadian Citizen, Mr. Mustafa Mohammadi, and his family to facilitate the freedom of his young daughter from a military camp in Iraq that is under the control of this Iranian political organization known as “Mojahedin e Khalgh” or MEK.

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