The Third View on Mujahedin Khalq

There are no viable alternatives that Trump could bring to power in Iran

Bolton advocates bringing to power in Iran a former “terrorist” group, Mujahedin-E Khalq Organisation (MEK), which he regards as a “viable” alternative to the Islamic Republic. Bolton’s belief in the MEK is ill-founded. The group with a catalogue of human rights abuses has an ideology that blends Islam and Marxism and is referred to as “a cult” by some experts …

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EUP Debate: Mojahedin-e Khaq (MEK) threat in Albania

MEP Ana Gomes and MEP Patricia Lalonde would like to invite you to attend their event: “Mojahedin-E Khalq (MEK) threat in Albania” on April 10th, from 16h30 to 18h. This event will take place at the European Parliament, in room A3H-1. If you wish to attend, we would kindly ask you to provide the following information if an accreditation to the European Parliament is needed …

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