Tortur and Harasment in Mujahedin Khalq

Torture and murder within the Rajavi cult

The MKO terrorist organization always claims to be a full supporter of freedom of expression and human rights and condemns any arrest, imprisonment and torture. However, all MKO’s/MEK/PMOI separated memners insist on bearing and witnessing savage tortures and murders as a fixed routine within the cult…While in a prison within Camp Ashraf, Jalal Selki endured any tortures for 13 months. He was tortured by Nader Rafee’inejad, Adib and Majid Alamian while his cell found filled with water.

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Rajavi’s worldview of violence and death

“The mindset of a terrorist group reflects the personality and ideology of its top leader and other circumstantial traits, such as typology (religious, social revolutionary, separatist, anarchist, and so forth), a particular ideology or religion, culture, and nationality, as well as group dynamics.”..Based on many significant evidences, there are points referred to by members and the leader of Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO, MEK, PMOI, NCRI) that may lead to arrive at a deep understanding of the ideological-political indoctrinations of the terrorist cult.

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Interview with Hadi Negravi

using the word “life” is considered as a big sin in the MKO. They always told us:”You chose your path the first day, so you have to stay until the regime is overthrown”. Of course they don’t have the power to overthrow the regime so the membership in the group is long-life..When Rajavi considers arm as his most cherished thing saying that “we cannot survive in our organizational form without arms”, do you think that such an organization can leave armed struggle.

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Open letter of Mr. Sobhani to Prime Minister of Spain

In 1992 I became an outspoken critic of what is known as the”forced divorces”and of what is known as”armed struggle”. More than that, I criticised what was apparent about the special relations between the organisation and Saddam Hussein, the ousted dictator of Iraq. I was imprisoned for a few months in solitary confinement inside Ashraf camp and over all spent about 8 years in different prisons. .MR. VIDAL QUADRASS visited from Camp of Ashraf in Iraq for more help to this terrorist cult last year. But without any human rights Organisation representative accompanying his good self.,

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Maryam Rajavi is a Slaughterer of Democracy

..the violent assault on MR. MOHAMMMAD HOSSEIN SOBHANI, in CITY of Koln, in Germany which happened few days ago.I was asking myself why they assaulted him. As far as I know he had spent many years of his life in that notorious cult, called PMOI/MKO/MEK. Long time ago, He decided to separate from that cult and start over his normal life in Germany as a free man… Maryam Rajavi orders her followers to assault on innocent people who stopped following her and her husband’s ideology and shamelessly she says nothing as if nothing has happened.

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To: German Embassy in Paris

I was informed by the Iranian opposition media today, such a terrible shocker, so that one of Mojahedin victims called Mohammad Sobhani was recently attacked by the Mojahedin cult [PMOI/MEK/MKO]terrorists in Cologne..As I closely know them and on the other hand, the historical and political reality and experience during last three decades has shown that the terrorism and the thought of cultism does not recognize any kind of geographical and moral border. Therefore, such terrorist activities by this cult are natural and expectable.

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Iranian dissidents in Iraq. Where will they all go?

Iranians in Iraq who fought against the Islamic Republic face a shaky future..“IT WAS one of the strangest places I’d ever seen,” says one of the few Farsi-speaking Westerners to have spent weeks in Camp Ashraf, 65km (40 miles) north-east of Baghdad, where some 3,400 Iranian dissidents are hunkered down and are now threatened with expulsion from Iraq, perhaps even back to Iran. It was “like a spiffy midsized town in Iran”, with parks, offices and buildings—but no children. It was “sterile, soulless and sad”.

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Iraqi official to warn over violations in Camp Ashraf

In a Sunday statement, Iraqi National Security Advisor Mowaffaq al-Rubaie asked MKO/MEK/PMOI leaders to stop using”torture tactics”against members who want to leave the organization.”The MKO violates the freedom of speech in all possible ways. It does not even follow human rights when dealing with its own members,”the statement said.

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Mr.Kouchner; P.M.O.I is a terrorist cult

We are ready to testify against the crimes that PMOI have done . We are all victims of this cult whom have been tortured physically and psychologically by the cultic criminals in this notorious cult. PMOI is a terrorist organization and should face the consequences of killing innocent people of IRAQ as well as mistreatment , misbehavior , torture and killing of the dissidents who were against RAJAVI’s cultic terrorist ideology inside the cult…Bernard Kouchner, French Foreign Minister, replied on December 10 at the French Senate in a matter of a senator and has declared that”France is indeed in favor of retaining the Mujahedin (PMOI/MKO) on the European list of terrorist organizations.

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