Tortur and Harasment in Mujahedin Khalq

The MKO movement is in decline

the movement is in decline already .Since the late nineties the internal dissent in Camp Ashraf is increasing and with the fall of the dictatorial regime of Saddam Hussein, the MKO will be deprived of their basic logistics..we believe that the leadership of MKO[PMOI/MEK] should answer the killing of civilian Kurds…we are sure that the meetings in Europe with several supporters and / or members of MKO led you to find them available and courteous.

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Targets of Violence

To give a report of its operation teams only in a one-year period, considered a hallmark of its military operations in 1987, the organization published a 54-page booklet entitled Resistance on the Rise that contains a detailed account of more than 20 terrorist operations perpetraited by its teams in various Iranian regions and cities. In these attacks, Mojahedin’s operation teams killed and wounded hundreds of Iranian innocent civilians

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Mojahedin Khalq Threatens Ex-members

the MKO in the editorial of its publication Mojahed issue 902, threatened the separated members with physical retribution. It is typical of the MKO to threaten its dissidents and ex-members to physical harassment and even liquidation. Massoud Rajavi, the MKO’s guru and leader who lives in hiding, has repeatedly and unequivocally warned dissidents of a violent backlash.

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Taking advantage of security-information measures against the cults’ ploys

Taking refuge in France, the Iranian Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization has shown its cult potentiality and to mobilize people for multiple protest demonstrations. In the course of Iran-US football match in Lyon in 1998, for example, and the visits of Iranian key officials to France, notably that of President Khatami in 1999 and Iranian members of parliament in February, 2001, the organization demonstrated the degree of its mass mobilizing threats that alarmed France. Reported by Associated Press, 21 June 1998,…

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former members of the MKO, plead for justice against the organisation

I was acquainted with the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organisation (MKO) in the university. They spoke about freedom and justice and also Islam and recruited me into their organisation. The same year, that is December 1987, I was sent to Iraq for a short visit and I returned back to Turkey. The following year I was asked to go to Turkey for a short visit again and I accepted. But this time my passport was taken away from me and they did not let me go back to Turkey.

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MKO involved in Farhadi’s abduction

According to informed sources, there is strong evidence showing that the terrorist group, Mujahedine Khalq Organization (MKO), was in collaboration with the CIA in the kidnapping of an Iranian national named Farhadi, who was a member of an Iranian commercial delegation to Sulaimaniya.

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Mojahedin Khalq Angry Backlash against a Report

Released by its official organ Mojahed, originally published in Persian, No. 257 dated August 24, the organization showed an angry backlash against recently released reports by Iraqi and Iranian media that ‘Interpol has issued arrest warrant for Massoud and Maryam Rajavi, and called it a falsified report.

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