Tortur and Harasment in Mujahedin Khalq

Hostage-Taking to Boost Bargaining

The efforts of MKO to get out of Iraqi crisis have the properties of a criminal act of hostage-taking; the only difference is that instead of ordinary people, they have taken hostage their own members! Mercenaries of Rajavi’s gang, who have a long history of selling their own members, try to put pressure on humanitarian organizations to accept their requests.

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Mojahedin Cult Displaying Tip of an Iceberg

Rarely the public knew about their malign past when their bullets and bombs perished many innocent Iranians and personalities in power struggle attempts. And the guardians of the Western societies, well aware of the group’s past but kipping silent for political causes, were certain they could leash the terrorists to keep them calm and under the surveillance in their country. But a fact had remained unnoticed;

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Report of Germany’s Security Service on MKO

After it was determined that Iranian soccer team would take part in Germany’s 2006 world cup, there were reports on the possibility of NCRI’s sabotages during Iran’s matches in Nuremberg, Frankfurt and Leipzig. In this regard, Awaa Association in Köln, comprising of former MKO members who have admittedly quit the organization fully, warned in its website about possible terrorist attacks including self-immolations during world cup by MKO supporters.

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MKO’s Gestapo Reacts Strongly to Reports on Ashraf

Abbas Davari first started insulting Ms. Afarinandeh and then tried to hide the realities of Camp Ashraf. He even went further to link Radio Farda to Iran!”Even the Pentagon, in its report on Sept. 27, protested to the services of Radio Farda’s agents for the mullahs in Iran. The scandal is so great that The Ministry of Defense has asked for a review on the activities of this radio.

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Two sides of violence coin

“The explosion of the office of Islamic Republic Party on June 28th, 1980 and self immolations on June 17th, 2003″…One side shows committing terrorism to face the enemy, the other shows using terrorism to save Violence captured in cul-de-sac…

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When will justice be served?

17 June 2003, over 1200 police officers carried out a huge raid in a Paris suburb. The target was a large complex of houses in Auvers-sur-Oise which had been turned into the international headquarters of the Mojahedin-e Khalq organisation (aka National Council of Resistance of Iran or NCRI). Up until March-April 2003, the Mojahedin/NCRI command centre had been in Iraq. It moved from there with the outbreak of war. Mojahedin co-leader Maryam Rajavi and about 160 of her closest aides were arrested during the raid.

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Mojahedin Struggle in Defiance of Democracy

from a historical point of view, almost all political struggles, at least in their mottos and sketches of their political objectives, chanted democratic slogans and represented the paradigms of a democratic society as a requisite to encourage supporters and to recruit parties. Atop of all the currents dazzles the Left movement. History tells us that the outcome was the most atrocious model of dictatorship that ever fought under the banner of emancipating man from class and political totalitarian systems.

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Nader Rafi’ee Nejad, A Torturer of MKO

In 1985, he was introduced as a major member and in 1991 as deputy of an executive board in the MKO. in 1990, he took off his”diplomatic”suit and wore the uniform for jailors of MKO in Iraq.
….He was involved in torturing Mohammed Hussein Sobhani and also the killing of Parviz Ahmadi who died under torture.

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MEK Exiled Rebel Group Said to Torture Dissidents

An Iranian rebel group that is aggressively campaigning for Washington’s support as part of a ”regime change” strategy in its homeland has committed serious abuses including torture and prolonged isolation, against dissident members, according to a leading human rights watchdog.. the Mojahedin Khalq Organisation (MKO), also known as MEK after its Iranian initials, insists that it should lead a U.S.-backed effort to bring what it has termed democratic rule to Iran

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Exiled Iranian Resistance Could Help Pressure Tehran?

..the Mujahiddeen /PMOI/NCR/MKO stays on the terrorist list for at least another two years and in return for this goodwill, Iran is more forthcoming in its nuclear pledges…the exiled Iranian resistance groups’ terrorist label can either be used as little more than a bargaining chip or -less likely- they might find that they might be fitted into a US cooked up plan for inciting popular uprisings inside Iran. Both ends of the spectrum have implications that might be unforeseen….”The MKO are highly disliked and disregarded by Iranians worldwide. During the Iran-Iraq war, Saddam Hussein financed and utilized the MKO to institute several attacks against Iranians,”

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