Tortur and Harasment in Mujahedin Khalq

Letter to Ms. Federica Mogherini,

Letter to Ms. Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice‐President of the European Commission Ms Federica MOGHERINI High Representative of the…

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US Media & The Terrorists Who Cried Wolf

While various groups organized resistance to the Shah in the form of guerrilla warfare, strikes, and protests, the MEK/MKO/PMOI conducted adventurist acts of violence and terrorism. In addition to Iranians, Americans were also victims of MEK’s terrorism prior to the Iranian revolution of 1979…

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MKO dissident members at Abu Quraib Prison!

In January 21, 2002 a number of 50 MKO/MEK/PMOI dissident members whom were handed over to the Iraqi former dictator; Saddam Hussein by Massoud Rajavi, got released by the help of international organizations.Honoring this day, I want to remind Massoud Rajavi and Mujahein-e Khalq that …

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Elimination Project, Masoumeh Gheibipour

Batul Soltani who was a friend of Masoumeh stated how Masoumeh left her life behind by openly criticizing the leaders’ approaches in public meetings. “She was so courageous that she could stand up in the meetings and say “Ideological leadership is a suppressive argument.” Her courageous objections was then resulted in grave pressure by the side of the group authorities or her peers.

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Recognition of Women’s Rights according to Rajavi

Maryam Sanjabi joined the MKO/MEK/PMOI in 1986….They closed her eyes and tied her hands and threw her to a room where five other women were jailed. Maryam was shocked, she could not think of anything and do anything except crying. ”I could not believe that the organization that I had chosen with love as my ideal was treating me like this”, she writes.She was then interrogated ….

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