Tortur and Harasment in Mujahedin Khalq

Elimination projects in the MKO – Ali Zarkesh

In a dictatorship maintaining of absolute power requires one important action: elimination of opponents. As a totalitarian cult of personality, the Mujahedin Khalq Organizaion (the MKO) could not survive for over three decades without eliminating the opponents and critics inside the group. According to various reports and testimonies,….

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MKO leader threaten members to death penalty

On the occasion of October 10th, World Day Against Death Penalty , the Mujahedin Khalq Organization’s propaganda arm, holds an alleged conference in Paris where its leader Maryam Rajavi claimed,” Our plan is an Iran without the death penalty”(!)Meanwhile, a number of defectors of the MKO/MEK/PMOI hold rallies, take actions and issue statements…

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How Terrorist Cults recruit their members, Part 1

My father used to beat me to death every time I demanded to leave MEK”, Yaser reported.” I told my father that I do not believe in Masoud Rajavi who claims to be Caliphate of the Muslim world. My father told me he will burn me to death if I decide to leave, and I responded, you can do anything you wish, as you do to other members of the Cult when they demand to leave the Cult, but I will not stay in Iraq…..

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The Int. Community and Human Rights Record of the Cult of Rajavi

“The prison door opened, and a prisoner was thrown into the cell. He fell on his face. At first we didn’t recognize him. He was beaten up severely. We turned him around; it was Parviz Ahmadi taken for interrogations just a few hours before.”Parvis Ahmadi’s case is one of many cases of human rights violations taking place in the Mujahedin Khalq Organization’s aka MKO/MEK/PMOI camps…..

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Defector’s Testimonies on Pure Violence in the MKO

Mehdi Abrishamchi is actually the ex-husband of the group’s alleged president elect Maryam Rajavi who divorced his wife to grant her to the leader of the cult Massoud Rajavi. Massoud married Maryam immediately after she separated from Abrishamchi.Once Abrishamchi became the MKO’s PR tribune under the misleading title”chairman of Peace Commission”, former members of the group reminded his true nature as a malicious official of”the Cult of Rajavi”.

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Another MEK member commits suicide in Camp Ashraf

According to a security official at Camp Ashraf in Diyala province, one of the oldest members of the Mojahedin Khalq is reported to have committed suicide on the evening of Tuesday, July 16. investigation was opened immediately into the incident.”The security forces reportedly found stab wounds on the body of the victim..

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In the wake of delisting MKO terrorist group from the US list

In the catastrophic event of 9/11 , the pmoi leadership held a session . in that session all the participants were clapping their hands and enjoying themselves . the pmoi leader , Massoud Rajavi , analogized the USA to “a paper like tiger” and he said “ this is the fundamental Islam which create such an event , wait and see what a storm our revolutionary Islam will create and I can see a day clearly that we go after the demolishing of USA..

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