Tortur and Harasment in Mujahedin Khalq

Close the terrorists’ headquarter in Auvers sur Oise

ON 22 of June 2012, a number of the freedom lover Iranians who were the victims and critics of the Maryam Rajavi’s terrorist gang and were imprisoned inside the garrisons of this organization in Iraq for years .. had a demonstration and peaceful rally in Paris..suddenly and unbelievably were attacked and assaulted ..

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On Washington Post Enlightening Article about MKO

We are the former members and officials and commanders of this terrorist-religious cult [MKO/MEK/PMOI] who have lived for decades in this dangerous cult and we had been witnessing their internal cultic affaires and relations as well as their ominous objectives in living with them for decades and for this reason we have become very reliable sources to identify ..

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Ex-MEK leaves Paris hospital after vicious attack by Mojahedin

In a statement given to the French police the British woman said, “I came here as a tourist and I was shocked when I saw what was taking place, I felt unsafe. What really disgusted me is that I think I have given money to this group in London in the past. …” Many ex-MEK members who managed to escape from the MEK’s Iraqi base, Camp Ashraf, in recent years have testified to numerous violations of human rights inside the garrison …

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Shahram Heidary, Declaration of Separation from the MKO

When I was in Iran, I was manipulated by the MKO’s aka MEK/PMOI propaganda. I thought that it was every body’s desire to join the MKO in Ashraf but after a short while I found out that Ashraf was just a mirage. Once I realized the truth, I was captured in the cult and had no way back.I scarified my wife and children for a deceitful organization..

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Terrorist MEK to be expelled from Iraq

The Conference was held in Al-Hakim Conference Centre in Baghdad University and hundreds of tribal leaders, University lecturers, Governmental representatives and officials, NGOs and media representatives filled the salon. Although Camp Ashraf and the MEK is an issue specific to the government and citizens of Iraq, the Conference organisers made sure to invite Western agencies, such as the UN, EU and diplomats who have claimed or expressed an interest in Camp Ashraf.

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Memoirs of Ms. Zahra Mirbaqeri; MKO ex-member

The second issue is about torture of patients in Camp Ashraf. I personally received my death sentence that was handed over to me by Zohreh Qaemi (because they were informed of my decision to leave the group) I am one of those tortured patients in the organization. I shortly describe the medieval tortures I suffered personally.It’s not possible to describe or even number the tortures I bore in here. It requires me to write a book in the future in order to tell the story of my grieves:After three meetings that were held as my trials…

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U.S. saw leftist Iran opposition group Mujahadeen Khalq as a ‘cult’

… The State Department has concluded that the Mujahadeen Khalq, or MEK, was holding Iranian exiles against their will in Iraq’s Camp Ashraf. The department, in cables sent to Washington over the last 20 years, asserted that Mujahadeen set a policy of killing suspected defectors from the movement supported by the former Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq. Wikipedia said the group which played a major role with the leftist Tudeh Party in the overthrow of the Shah in 1979, was more”religious, radical, anti-American”than the earlier generation of Iranian leftists …

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Ms. Batoul Maleki Open Letter to president of France On MKO

… Pmoi has incarcerated and tortured many of my comrades even they killed some of them. Some of my comrades had been sent to the Iraqi notorious prison , Abu ghorib, and later those comrades were exchanged with the Iraqi soldiers who were prisoner of war in Iran in a transaction with Iranian regime , meaning , the PMOI dissident members who were incarcerated in Abu ghorib were exchanged with the Iraqi soldiers who were prisoners of war in Iran .PMOI by the direct order of Saddam Hussein also participated in killing of many Iraqi Shea and Kurds …

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MKO Barring Family Meetings to Choke Flow of Info

Ringleaders of the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization continue to bar meetings between families and MKO members in the terrorist group’s main training camp in Northern Iraq in a move to keep the confined group separated from the real world to keep a leash on the flow of information into and out of the camp. The MKO /MEK/PMOI ringleaders continue to insist on their inhuman policy while family members have camped out of the training base for over 16 months now to see their relatives.

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Rights Group Cautions about Deteriorating Conditions of MKO Dissidents

… The report also said that the 200 members were those who attacked the Iraqi security forces in the April 8 conflict in the Camp Ashraf, while others refrained from entering the conflict to defend the terrorist haven. Earlier, a defected member of the MKO had unveiled that the ringleaders of the group are using every means within their reach to control their dissident members, including life threats, to keep members in the group’s main stronghold in Northern Iraq.”Massoud Rajavi has announced many times that if anybody wants to escape from (the camp) Ashraf (in Iraq), he/she will be killed or executed,”Abdollatif Chahardari said …

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