Tortur and Harasment in Mujahedin Khalq

Open Letter to Ms. Pillay on Camp Ashraf

We are ex-members of the Mujahedin Khalq Organisation (MKO, PMOI). We joined the MKO around the period of the Iranian Revolution (1979) when it started as a resistance-movement against the dictatorial regime in Iran. Later the group went on to armed resistance and finally it degenerated into a terrorist cult. We have gone through all these phases inside the organisation ourselves and have lived in the MKO camp ‘Ahsraf’ in Iraq for many years. We decided to leave the group in the terrorist stage, when they get extremely violent… In recent years we repeatedly pointed to the explosive situation in and around the camp Ahsraf ..

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Open letter to Mr. Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the UN

… You should not allow this terrorist cult[MKO/PMOI/MEK], which utilizes the slogans such as freedom and democracy to cover its real entity, to take advantage of those popular uprisings. In their internal cultic relations the story is completely different than their slogans. This cultic organization with its bloody past, full of violence and with its unlawful presence on Iraqi soil has concealed itself behind the popular uprisings in other countries. You should not allow such a terrorist cultic organization with such a terrifying past utilizes those popular slogans, freedom and democracy…

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MEK brainwashes members

The members have described life at their Camp Ashraf base in Iraq as miserable saying the organization has been brainwashing its members for the last two decades.They say that the MKO/MEK/PMOI members who reside in the camp are deprived of basic human rights. For example, they are not allowed to use the phone or internet or even communicate with the outside world by any means. They further added that the residents of the camp have to show blind obedience to their leaders or face the death penalty.

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MKO Former Member Open Letter to Ms. Ashton

… I was seriously beaten and tortured in MKO because I criticized the organization several times. I was imprisoned in camp Ashraf prisons where I was terribly tortured both physically and psychologically. I felt so terrible that the so-called doctor of the prison prescribed forbidden medicines for my mental problems. The scars left by torture are evidences of my words. However, Iraqi officials have documents on MKO’s human right violation cases. MKO’s propaganda presents itself as human rights advocate but in fact its leaders treat their dissident members so violently. To check the accuracy of my work, you may want to send a delegation …

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MKO defected members in a Press Conference in Iraq

The spokesperson of the Iraqi defense ministry said members of the terrorist Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization, MKO, escaped Camp Ashraf and surrendered themselves to the Iraqi forces.He said the defected members have given useful information and the Iraqi government now has the required evidence to shut down the camp…The former MKO members said many residents of Camp Ashraf, who are under immense pressure, want to escape but are afraid and unsure of the future. The said scores of MKO/MEK/PMOI members have been killed by the organization recently.

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MKO treats members like prisoners

Reports coming out of Camp Ashraf point to the inhumane treatment of residents by the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI), which has recently engaged in an exchange of fire with Iraqi security forces…“I worked with the organization for 25 years… during these years I could not contact my family… using the phone, cell-phone, Internet, other mass media and even listening to the radio is forbidden in the organization,” Abdullatif Shadvari, a former MKO members said.

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Mrs. Maleki Letter to the US Secretary of States concerning MKO

Its ideology is a combination of Marxism and Islam.Their ideology is based on fighting against capitalism and they believe that the United States of America is the symbol of global capitalism and they call the USA ‘the World-Eater Imperialism’. Their ideological principle and objective is based on fighting against the United States and its interests, and in this regard they have written and published many books such as, The Carter Presidency (World Eater Imperialism).

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Thwarted escape attempt by a disaffected MEK member

Letter to the Iraqi Prime Minister to inform him of the thwarted escape attempt today by a disaffected member of the Rajavi cult from Camp Ashraf, in Diyala province….. May we remind your good self that after the escape of several members who managed to get themselves out in the recent months, the Mojahedin have been increasing their security by increasing the barbed wire fencing, and in addition have installed CCTV to monitor the movements of all their members. They have also banned any presence of ordinary members in the streets …

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Statement of the gathering in Paris

With faith in the generosity of people, with the aim of rejecting all kinds of violence, terrorism and cultish behaviours and with the aim of helping the families of the victims of Rajavi cult in Camp Ashraf – Iraq, more than 200 human rights activities are participating in this gathering on the 19th of June 2010 in Paris…Maryam Rajavi who resides in Auvers-sur-Oise in France is working on the concept of keeping the structure of the terrorist cult intact ..

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