
MEK hostages families’ campaign to free their beloveds

Below is the letter of Ms. Mahmonir Iranpour who is sister of two Camp liberty residents. Her brothers; Ahmadreza and Mohammadreza were deceived by the MKO/MEK/PMOI Cult elements in Turkey into joining the group in 2002. They were then transferred to Camp Ashraf, Iraq. From then on the Iranpour family have had no contact with their beloveds.

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MKO labels Russia as enemy

In a quite hostile move, the website of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, a.k.a. MEK) described the downed Russian drone in Syria as the “enemy’s aircraft”.Supporting the Takfiri and terrorist groups in Syria during the previous years, MKO’s latest reaction to shooting down the Russian drone is a clear hostile move lining up against Moscow.

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Iran Interlink Weekly Digest – 123

The MEK/MKO/PMOI has tried to reanimate some of its old lobbyists in Iraq and send them to the American embassy in Baghdad. Alongside this they have published a petition signed in only a few days by “millions of Iraqis”, and another petition by “thousands of Iraqi lawyers and lawmakers”, but without any names. Former MEK …

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Liberty resident’s families at Iraqi Parliament

After the families visited Iraqi Parliament on Tuesday November 24th , the official website of the Iraqi Parliament reported that Parliamentary Committee in charge of investigation on the demands of families of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization held a meeting under the supervision of MP Arshad Salehi on Wednesday November 25th .

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MKO Cult efforts to extract money from the suffering families of Cult hostages

After this was exposed, some families have answered phone calls by their relatives by saying “yes, we’ll give money, but only if we can see you and give it to you directly. We are not rich enough to pay for John Bolton or Rudi Giuliani to make speeches in Paris!”The Farsi Commentariat has reacted with disgust that families who only want a visit after thirty years …

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