
Iran Interlink Weekly Digest – 113

The Mojahedin Khalq cult has announced that it will hold a demonstration on 28th September in New York to protest President Rouhani’s attendance at the UN General Assembly. The demonstration is in the usual place and will give the MEK a photo op as tens of people gather with hundreds of banners. Over the past few years …

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Families’ approaching Camp Liberty was covered in the Iraqi media

Kul al Akhbar Newspaper writes:”Some Iraqi civil societies as well as families of the Iranians captured inside Camp Liberty in Baghdad by the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization demanded visiting their loved ones. These societies urged the Iraqi government, based on human dignity, to arrange meetings between the families and their children who are captives inside the cult[MKO/MEK/PMOI ]for many years….

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Maryam Rajavi’s strange diplomacy with the UK

Now, whether in response to the lack of response to her bizarre persuasion techniques, or whether stung by the ridicule of her critics, or whether she is genuinely out of touch with political reality, Maryam Rajavi’s cult[MKO/MEK/PMOI] websites are now awash with attacks on the British Foreign Secretary …

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