
Nejat Society APPEAL FOR HELP meeting in Gilan

On November 25, 2009 a number of families of captured Camp Ashraf residents from Gilan attended a meeting held by Nejat Society Gilan Branch called “Invocation” to ask Red Cross and other international organizations and especially the government of Iraq to help them visit their beloved ones who are captured behind the bars of the infernal cult of Rajavis.

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Pictorial- MKO leaders refused to let Iranian families meet their children in Camp Ashraf

Leaders of the Terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO), have barred the group members incarcerated in a military base – about 60km (37 miles) north of Baghdad – form visiting their family members and relatives, fearing their defection.The Camp guards also disrespected representatives of the international human rights bodies dispatched to the area to accompany the families.

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Silent Cry

This documentary takes us beneath the surface of acts of terror against Iran and shows how Iranians have been targeted by various terrorist groups, some of which enjoying the support of human right organizations.

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