
Albania’s politicians and artists supporting Iranian Mojahedin terrorists in clandestine concert

The concert was held purportedly to show solidarity of the Albanian people with the Iranian Mojahedin aka MKO/MEK/PMOI who came to our country on the basis of a secret agreement between the Albanian government and the US. Hidden below the ground floor of the hall, and out of sight of the media, Albanian politicians and artists gave full support to the Iranian Mojahedin. During her …

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Iran and Albania to combat terrorism, extremism

Zarif, for his part, thanked his Albanian counterpart for sympathizing with Iran, and said that there are abundant opportunities for development of cooperation in political, Cultural and economic cooperation between the two countries. He also voiced Irans readiness to cooperate with Albania in the field of combating extremism and terrorism …

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NTCM Fighting for the Children’s Right Abused by MEK Cult led by Maryam Rajavi

I as 30 years high ranking member of MEK/MKO/PMOI led by Maryam Rajavi, and also ex-member of National Council of Resistance (NCRI) of MEK, am a witness to one of the organize criminal acts of child poverty enforced by MEK at least on 300 children which were smuggled from Iraq to Europe and kept in absolute isolation in places such as Germany in Cologne, UK, France and Holland …

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MEK and Saudis isolated as world leaders send condolences for Rafsanjani’s death

The MEK tried on several occasions to assassinate Rafsanjani. The first attempt in 1981 came when the MEK planted a bomb at the Hezb Jomhouri headquarters resulting in the deaths of 72 leading personalities of the new Islamic Republic. Rafsanjani was targeted but hadn’t turned up that day. After the fall of Saddam Hussein, MEK/MKO/PMOI leader Massoud Rajavi wrote an open letter to Rafsanjani from his hideout asking him to consider him and his organisation. Rafsanjani did..

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The Secrets Behind Auvers-sur-Oise (French HQ of Mojahedin Khalq)

The terrorist group of “Mojahedin-e-Khalq Organization,” also called “MEK” or “MKO,” which is featured among some countries’ lists of terrorist groups is being protected in a small town only 30 kilometers from Paris, in Auvers-sur-Oise; this has resulted in neglect of public interest and freedom of speech. During the years, the organization has been responsible …

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