
“Cyanide” about Mojahedin Khalq story premieres in Tehran

“Cyanide”, the latest film by Behruz Shoeibi, about Mojahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO, MeK – also known as People’s Mujahedin of Iran, PMOI), an Iranian political–militant organization in exile that carried out many terrorist operations during the 1980s to overthrow the Iranian government, premiered at Eyvan-e Shams Hall on Monday Evening. Shoeibi, members of the cast and crew, and Cinema …

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Mr. Balaei: We are ready to travel to Albania

Balaei family have two sons in the hands of the MKO Cult ruthless leaders. Kiumars was deceived by the Cult recruiters into joining the group in 1980s. Mehraban, the other brother joined the group while he was a POW of Iran- Iraq war. Actually he joined the group to flee the painful situation of Baath prisons.Balaei family are members of Nejat Society…

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MKO ex-members’ protest gathering in Koln

Participants at the rally declared their support for the MKO hostages’ families’ certain right of visiting their loved ones. Sympathizing with the suffering families, they urged the human rights bodies to facilitate their visit with their beloved family members.

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MKO Cult critics gathered to gether in Germany

Ms. Batoul soltani, Ms. Zahra Moeini, Mr. Ali Akbar Rastgoo, Mr. Davoud Baghervand and Mr. Nader Keshtkar participated the panel.The participants who had all spent many years within the Cult affairs, shared their experiences.They analyzed Massoud Rajavi’s three decade of wrong policies and analysis in Iraq…

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